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how many american ships were sunk in ww2

1 turret of Chkai. The aircraft survived the first approach because the proximity fuses were ineffective against its wooden fuselage then, skimmed low on the water undetected, and crashed into Callaghan on the starboard side. USSYAG-4 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 22 February 1943. Today she is a museum ship in Charleston, South Carolina. Six men were killed and twenty-three wounded. USS SC-636 sunk off Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 9 October 1945. USS LCT(6)-988 sunk, 15 May 1944, and stricken from the Navy List, 9 June 1944. In total darkness; the two task forces streamed towards on another until at 01:48, Atlanta was illuminated by searchlights from Japanese battleship Hiei which was only 3,000 yards away, practically point-blank range for the battleship. Grounded by Typhoon Louise. 88 of her crew went down with her. The Japanese destroyers began laying a smokescreen and launched more than 45 "Long Lance" torpedoes towards the American column. USSTide(AM-125) sunk by a mine off Normandy, France, 7 June 1944. Soon thereafter, the enemy ceased firing. While dueling with the cruiser Nagara, Gwin took a shell hit in her engine room while another shell struck her fantail. The next day while the Jarvis was slowly steaming towards Australia down by the bow, with no radio and few working guns; she was pounced on by 31 Japanese planes. The submarine was never heard from again and presumed lost on 15 October 1943. Destroyer escorts found it difficult to assist Ommaney Bay, because of the intense heat, the ammunition going off, and the real possibility that a catastrophic detonation could be triggered by the blaze. USS LCT(6)-777 sunk off northern France, 6 June 1944. Savannah's crew quickly sealed off flooded and burned compartments, and corrected her list. Savannah was hit by a Fritz-X radio-guided bomb at 10:00. The enemy bogey took fire and missed crashing into the ship but the plane's bomb detonated underneath the Butler in the water, damaging her keel and killing 14 men. USS LSM-20 sunk by kamikaze attack off Ormoc, Leyte, Philippine Islands, 5 December 1944. Control was reestablished in the conning tower, which soon received a hit from the starboard side. The ship rapidly took hits from all sides, and by 12:36 she was ordered abandoned. Warning! The plane's wing clipped the aft five-inch gun while the fuselage smashed down through the main deck and into the ship's living spaces near the fantail. The gasoline-coated water surrounding Liscome Bay caught fire, hampering survivors' efforts to escape. Severely damaged by a mine. The famous and decorated submarine was never seen or heard from again. The two submarine captains agreed to position themselves ahead of the convoy for a better attack angle after a brief gunfight with escorting vessels had driven the two subs away. 1 turret, tore open the hull almost to the keel, and severed the bow from the rest of the hull. USSKidd(DD-661) was protecting landing forces at Okinawa when she came under attack by kamikazes. All except for 6 of Monaghan's crew perished in the sinking, the survivors clinging to rafts for several days, 256 of her men were gone. USS YT-198 sunk off Anzio, Italy, 18 February 1944. Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press, 1990. YP-183 destroyed by grounding on the west coast of Hawaii, 12 January 1943. Hit by a German glider bomb and heavily damaged. Off Leyte Gulf on 1 November 1944, Claxton was coming to the aid of stricken destroyer USS Abner Read, which was sinking after several kamikaze strikes. Sunk after accidental collision with merchant tanker, Surrendered to Japanese forces and pressed into. As Drexler came to a dead stop, another damaged P1Y "Frances" ominously circled the stricken destroyer three times before finally crashing into the ship's starboard side. USS YMS-98 sunk off Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 16 September 1945. did any US Troop ships ever get sunk in WW2 - Google Groups USSMontgomery(DM-17) scrapped after being damaged by a mine off Palau, Caroline Islands, 17 October 1944. During raids on Luzon on 25 November 1944, Intrepid was hit by two kamikaze aircraft which left 66 men dead, sending the ship home for repairs. Hulk scuttled in mid-1946. The wreckage of the Grayback was discovered fifty miles south of Okinawa in 2019. A passing by American bomber witnessed Argonaut attack a column of escorting destroyers. The ship would limp to Kerama Retto with extensive damage and eventually back to the states. Likely sunk by Japanese gunfire. Two Japanese destroyers were able to engage the trio of American ships. Both ships had their salvageable equipment removed and installed on brand new hulls. By 1100, the fires were under control. A party of men collected the dead and prepared them for burial. Hit by Kamikaze. One A6M Zero rolled into a dive, crashed into the port catwalk and fell into the sea. Despite the hazard of exploding ammunition from the blazing Twiggs, escorting ships were able to rescue one hundred eighty-eight survivors from the oily waters. Hit by 2 torpedoes from Japanese submarine. The ship returned to the states for repairs shortly afterward. Damage control quickly put the fires out and the ship made for emergency repairs, but twenty seven men had been killed, and another thirty three wounded. USSOahu(PR-6) scuttled off Corregidor, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 6 May 1942. Damage control parties dumped the unexploded bomb from the plane over the side, brought the fires under control. One hundred ninety-one men were lost with Cooper. 1,554 ships. The submarine's wreck was discovered in 2016 near Matua Island. On 16 August, Honolulu arrived at Pearl Harbor for major repairs and a new bow. The commander of Meredith decided to continue to deliver the urgently needed supplies. USS Sangamon (CVE- 26) was rearming at Kerama Retto during the battle of Okinawa on 4 May 1945, when at 19:55 a Ki-45 kamikaze crashed into the center of her deck; its bomb penetrated the flight deck and exploded in the hangar. [4] The ship's steering was damaged and her bow was demolished, but temporary repairs allowed the Morris to cross the Pacific to San Francisco. Despite the losses, Wasp continued operations with 27 minutes of the strike. USS YP-73 destroyed by grounding in Kodiak Harbor, Alaska, 15 January 1945. The drydock was flooded to prevent the fires from spreading but Cassin fell off her keel blocks and rested against Downes. She would finish the war, later participating in "Magic Carpet". USS LCT(5)-364 sunk off northern France, 6 June 1944. USS YF-725 lost off the Farallone Islands, 22 March 1945. PT-219 damaged in storm and scrapped, near Attu, Aleutian Islands, 14 September 1943. The fires were extinguished by 1821. Within just a couple minutes a second plane would crash into the ship's midsection, followed quickly by two more simultaneously striking the bow and fantail. Houston was targeted by four torpedo bombers, three of which were shot down but one managed to score a hit on the cruiser in the engine room, knocking out propulsive power to the ship. Of her 223 crew remaining on board, not a single man survived. USS APc-35 grounded off New Georgia, Solomon Islands, 22 September 1943. A torpedo passed underneath Oglala and hit Helena amidships on the starboard side. Hake was able to escape and return to the same area several hours later hoping to reestablish contact with Harder, but the submarine and her crew of sixty men were never seen or heard from again. USSS-28(SS-133) was conducting a training exercise with the USCGC cutter Resilience (WPC-150) on 4 July 1944 off the western coast of Oahu, Hawaii when at 17:30, S-28 dived to conduct a practice torpedo run four miles away from Resilience. Quincy sustained many direct hits which left 370 men dead and 167 wounded. Glennon was towed in an attempt to salvage her but on 9 June 1945, a German shore battery found its range on the ship and hit her with salvos of shells. She suffered 18 killed, 17 wounded in the battle. The enemy responded by opening fire at 20,000 yards. The torpedo struck the starboard side, which blew off both inboard propellers, jammed the rudder five degrees to starboard, and jammed her Number Three turret in train and elevation. USSDouglas H. Fox(DD-779) was patrolling radar picket duty with five other ships off Okinawa on 17 May 1945, when the Americans were attacked by several kamikazes at 19:26. This incident was regarded by the Navy as the destruction of the Swordfish, but there are no collaborative Japanese reports to verify that a depth charge attack was made anywhere near where Kete was operating. Lo was engulfed in flames and sank 30 minutes later. Its bomb exploded just before impact with the deck causing extensive casualties and fires. Although an effort was made to tow the ship to safety, further air attacks prompted her abandonment and scuttling. When the turret responded with Astoria's 12th and final salvo, the shells missed Kinugasa but struck the No. Postwar Japanese records revealed that during the same engagement with Baya, escorting Japanese minelayer Hatsutaka dropped depth charges on a submerged submarine which most likely was the Lagarto. At dawn, she was one of three U.S. ships still too damaged to withdraw on her own power. Perhaps as a result of the concentrated fire, it then plunged down, striking below the bridge at the waterline, tearing a 9ft by 17.5ft hole, destroying the junior officers' quarters. USS SC-1067 foundered off Attu, Aleutian Islands, 19 November 1943. Tang declined an invitation to join a wolf pack of submarines patrolling off Formosa (modern day Taiwan), and instead ventured to hunt alone. The last known communication between Snook and friendly forces was on 8 April, after which the submarine and her crew disappeared and were never seen or heard from again. 25 men had been killed and another 38 were wounded during the action. Two men were killed and over fifty were wounded by fragments from the bomb. The Morris suffered 13 dead, 45 wounded. While providing cover for forces landing on Leyte, on 1 November 1944 at 13:41, Abner Read was targeted by a kamikaze "Val". Seriously damaged with 17 dead and 23 wounded, the ship steamed to Funafuti on 23 November for emergency repairs. 7 men were killed and 25 were wounded by the explosion which almost broke the ship in two. Two were direct hits and a third a near-miss close aboard the port bow causing severe underwater damage. USS LCT(6)-961 sunk at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 21 May 1944. 2 magazine. After three salvos, the target burst into flame and was soon dead in the water. YP-88 destroyed by grounding at Amchitka, Aleutian Islands, 28 October 1943. Fires would be extinguished and a ten degree list corrected before the Halsey Powell was able to make her way back to Ulithi on 25 March. The ship returned to Pearl Harbor for repairs. On 7 March 1943, she left Sydney for Puget Sound, sailing backward the entire voyage, where a new bow was fitted with the use of Minneapolis's No. The ship was hit with a 135lb bomb in the well deck which killed 8 and wounded 38. After receiving repairs at Puget Sound, she rejoined the fleet. Eventually, however, the deck beneath grew hot and forced the wounded back to the forecastle. Some of those ship losses were within site of land . Two more kamikazes would make successive direct hits on the ship's aft fireroom, adding to the carnage. USS LCT(5)-196 sunk off Salerno, Italy, 27 September 1943. USSAstoria(CA-34) on the morning of 7 August 1942 entered the waters between Guadalcanal and Florida Islands in the southern Solomons. At 08:50 a D3A "Val" chose Bennett as its victim, and despite heavy fire plowed into the ship's starboard side. Repairs were made at Pearl Harbor. Four of her crew were killed and six wounded. This was to be the last message received from the submarine as she was never seen or heard from again. According to the War Shipping Administration, the U.S. The entire task force was rocked by the explosion, but no other ships were significantly damaged. USS YC-898 lost off Key West, Florida, 29 September 1942. On 20 November 1944 a pair of Zero kamikazes approached the ship; California's gunners shot one of them down, but the other struck her on the port side abreast of the mainmast. 3 men were killed and 11 were wounded. USSCaldwell(DD-605) was escorting landing craft at Ormoc on 12 December 1944 when at 0805 she was jumped by several enemy planes. It is believed that Corvina was sunk with all eighty-two of her crew by Japanese submarine I-176 who reported sinking an American sub south-west of Truk on 16 November. USSMoonstone(PYc-9) sunk after collision with the USSGreer(DD-145) off the Delaware Capes, Delaware, 16 October 1943. USS YC-178 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. The ship had to withdraw from the action to tend her damage. The crew managed to keep the flooding isolated in the forward fire room and the ship was able to escape the danger and make it to Reykjavk for temporary repairs and back to New York for permanent repairs. On 20 October 1944 she was screening the invasion force of Leyte when she was attacked by a Japanese torpedo bomber. 255 killed. Her biggest prize included Japanese aircraft carrier Taiho during the Battle of the Philippine Sea. An explosion and large fire flared up simultaneously with a hit by a five-inch round from one of the other ships, which burst close to the carrier's bow below a gun sponson, killing and wounding several men. After repairs and an overhaul, Shubrick was transferred to the Pacific theater. The second bomb passed through the hangar deck, ruptured the fire main on the second deck, and exploded near the starboard side. USS LCT(5)-26 sunk, 25 February 1944, and stricken from the Navy List, 6 March 1944. Her damage was negligible and the ship remained on station. She was towed away to make temporary repairs. Sunk by aircraft from Japanese aircraft carrier, Irreparably damaged after being rammed by, Sank in surface action with Japanese cruisers, Sunk by naval gunfire by Japanese cruiser. USSBrownson(DD-518) was screening landings at Cape Gloucester, New Britain on 26 December 43 when at 14:42 she was hit by two bombs from a "Val" dive bomber which struck starboard of centerline near the number two stack. USSGregory(APD-3) sunk by Japanese destroyer Ydachi off Lunga Point, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, 5 September 1942. USS LCI(L)-684 sunk off Samar, Philippine Islands, 12 November 1945. USS YTM-467 lost in the Marshall or Gilbert Islands, March 1944, and stricken from the Navy List, 9 June 1944. The ship's crew fought to correct the 12-degree list to starboard by shoring up bulkheads and jettisoning heavy topside weight. At approximately 0225, Aaron Ward was hit by more than 8 shells which knocked out her steering control. Sunk by Japanese shore battery, off Bougainville, Solomon Islands. A single "Val" made a suicide run on Hobson from the starboard side. The plane's bomb punched through to explode in the ship's forward diesel room causing severe flooding and killing fourteen men. Throughout the day, she supported the Marines as they landed on Guadalcanal and several smaller islands nearby. USS LCT(6)-593 sunk off northern France, 6 June 1944. USS YF-86 lost due to enemy action in the Philippine Islands and stricken from the Navy List, 24 July 1942. Her first torpedo hit on 11 January 1942 killed nine men. Two of them singled out White Plains as their victim. Gilmer would resume her duties by early July. Her gunners kept firing, while damage control crews fought the fires and helped the wounded. Her fate remains unsolved. Morrison slipped beneath the sea at 08:40, taking the lives of one hundred fifty-seven men with her, most crewmen below decks were lost because the ship sank so quickly. The Murphy had its bow replaced and returned to service in time to participate in Operation Overlord. Disintegrated by internal explosion of undetermined cause. On 19 February 1942, Peary was attacked by dive bombers during the Bombing of Darwin. The Japanese took the bait and sank the ship along with its escort (LSM-59) on 21 June 1945. Marblehead successfully maneuvered through three attacks. Irreparably damaged by Kamikaze aircraft. The navy presumed the ship was lost on 7 March 1942. One shell penetrated through a ventilator, killing two men as it tore into the carrier. Both ships were on fire and sinking within a few minutes. USSKalinin Bay(CVE-68) was steaming about 60 miles east of Samar before dawn 25 October 1944 as a part of "Taffy 3" when a huge Japanese surface task force of battleships and cruisers came across the much weaker American force of escort carriers and destroyers. Supplying Victory: The History of Merchant Marine in World War II Yamato opened fire at 06:59 at an estimated range of 34,544 yards, targeting White Plains with her first four salvos. USS LST-158 sunk by aircraft off Licata, Sicily, 11 July 1943. The shell hit the Combat Information Center on board; killing six and wounding 14 others. Nineteen men were killed and another twenty were seriously wounded. The ship was saved by skillful damage control work and was able to reach Tulagi where she was temporarily repaired by her own crew. The explosion killed every man in the after engine room and was unable to move in the rough seas. PT-68 grounded in enemy waters and destroyed to prevent capture near Vincke Point, New Guinea, 1 October 1943. Grounded by Typhoon Louise. The plane's bomb pierced through the portside before exploding outside of the ship. The ship was abandoned but did not sink. She lies in 400ft of water, 3 miles west of Lunga Point. With this fourth kamikaze crash, the destroyer began to quickly list and sink by the stern. USS LST-531 sunk by German motor torpedo boats in Lyme Bay, England, 28 April 1944. USSTurner(DD-648) was anchored not far from Ambrose Light on 3 January 1944 after a series of trips escorting convoys across the Atlantic when suddenly at 0650, several internal explosions in her ammunition storage area began to wreck the destroyer. After the war, captured Japanese records show on 16 February 1943, Japanese torpedo boat ''Hiyodori'' and a subchaser dropped depth charges on a submarine approximately sixty miles south of Rabaul. In the ensuring Battle of Cape Esperance, Farenholt was hit by shells below the waterline from both Japanese and American guns causing concerning flooding. Ward would be sunk by gunfire from escorting destroyers. November 8, 2017 - 4,444 likes, 70 comments - WW2 Photos/Videos (@fuehrer_of_photography) on Instagram: "A major turning point in the Second World War was the . Pennsylvania was the last major US ship damaged in the war. The aircraft came under heavy anti-aircraft fire but it continued aiming directly for the carrier's bridge. USSSheepscot(AOG-24) scrapped after being damaged beyond repair by grounding off Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, 5 June 1945.

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