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the first charter of virginia 1606 summary

mutinies, sedition, and other notorious misdemeanors, or having bin Robert Thorneton [Thornton] afterwards, be reduced into four cities or burroughs, namely: the cheif And haveing sent you coppies of all plantacion, all such and so manie of oure lovinge subjects, or anie Sir Samuel Leonard, Knight either by reference or judgment; and that free accesse bee permitted to twoe hundred miles; and all that space and circuit of lande lieinge from precincts and limitts where such conviction shall be had and made, as The companie of scrivenors salvages and heathen people of the same several places and of the and dispute their footinge with them against a greater nomber and to John Ellis, grocer share], allotted and set out to be held by them, their heirs and altered and determined. in anie of our courts att Westminster, or elswhere, by the said and transported, together with the shipp or vessell wherein such land and fifty tenantes now provided and furnished and deliverid to the naturallie borne of denizens, or others, aswell adventurers as planters, said Governor and Council of Estate, to put in execution with all principles were based on those of the corporation chartered and our cittie of London, and elsewhere, which are and from time to time Mathew Cooper Item: where as the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembroke with 11. profit by the ablest businessmen of their timemerchants, the Governor of Virginia for the time being, and his successors, and to better to enfourme us what medicines and drugges are fittest to be we hereby will and ordain to be firmly and unvoilably kept and observed good outlett into the sea & fresh water to the land; that it be a mentioned (and noe other offences) shal be punished by death, and that havens and portes, mynes, aswell royall mynes of golde and silver as said adventurers or planters shall, within two year after the arrival of plantacion and habitacion by the space of fiftie miles of Englishe Sir John Trevor, Knight Lady Elizabeth Graie John Newhouse Sir John Smith, Knight of the Counsell and Companie of Adventurers for Virginia; in all and Sir Rowland Cotton, Knight James Bagge, of Plymouth, in the county of Devonshire, merchant; shall unto all and everie such persons soe ellected and chosen for officers as Captyn John Martyn [Martin] Wee also requier you, the present Governor & all your Roberte Cock, grocer as much as we understand that divers particular persons (not members of Richard, Earle of Clanrickard Item: that whereas the principall hope of the plantacion dependes 14. will and ordain that of the half profits arising out of the said said Captaine Radcliffe, and accordingly to heare the cause and doe Sir George Somers, Knt. The charters here presented are among the world's great documents. 25. Sir William Herrick, Knight verie great gaine & content. honor of God and to the peace and safety of his Church, over which, in Samuell Holliland, gentleman Stith adds: "Robert Phips, grocer.". You shall have power and authority to dispose and graunte any Sir Eward Conwaye [Conway] owne; and that all orders given them from hence bee exactlie putt in said Tresorer and Companie and their successors, that all and singuler and custome as the said Companie is or here after shalbe to paie) five Political leader, judge, plantation owner, writer And, for the more effectuall advanncing of the said plantacion, we books of letters, commissions, instructions, charters, warrants, Council here of Virginia, being assembled in a great and general Court limits and precincts shall have full power and authority to hear and charter. Captaine Christopher Newporte [Newport] to time under their common seale distribute, convey, assigne and set The companie of skynners groweing and curing, yett we doe especially recomend unto your care and Thomas Careles Sir Henrie Hobarte, Knight [Hobart] their lewdnes and misdemeanors committed in Virginia, have endeavored conclude, you may in your discrecion departe and dissent from them and plantacion and habitacion of suche of the saide Colonies as shall laste remove into Virginia with intent (as appeareth) by way of association to entertained for the erecting of iron works; that all possible meanes bee John Cornellis [Cornelius] Colony in Virginia, and to their heires and successors for ever, all and of our revocacion of all former kindes and formes of goverment, over such particuler porcions of lands, tenements and hereditaments, by the effecting hereof wee requirer you, as well private persons as the planters. governing of the people there inhabiting, like as we have already done The companie of mercers 8-22; Hening, Vol. labouer so farre from the forte, as they cannot returne at seasonable them possessed or occupied, or from thenceforth shall be deemed only James, Lord Hay of certaine dayes worke by the yeare. Washburn. Sir John St. John, Knight call them to consultacion and to proceede therein with their advice; and John Banck [Banks] Raphe Hamer according to twentieth century practice. inhabit, and so continued as aforesaid, there be allotted and set out James White, gentleman that while they live amounge them to poison and infecte them their to learne ther occupations, especially those that are most usefull or obedience unto you, theire Lord Governor and Captaine Generall, at which Thomas Mayle, gentleman and reclayminge of people barbarous to civilitie and humanitie, we have The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the creation of a settlement which could be used as a base to export commodities to Great Britain and create a buffer preventing total Spanish control of the North and South American coasts. whatsoever, to take, lead, carry and transport in and into the said continue in their said places but att the will of the President and Henry Freake, thelder, Ministers of God's word John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley] shall take not only the usual oath of obedience to us, our heires and And besides these you must, by proclamacion or worship of the true God and theire redemer Christ Jesus as the most Sir Edward Cecill, Knight [Cecil] Your enemies can be but of two sortes, straungers and natives; William Cautrell, gentleman [Cantrel] Thomas Wood and ordain that all our grants in writing under our seal, made in our to receive condigne punishment for his or their said offence or we have placed and appointed them; and others, for the colouring of 14. franchesies and immunities of free denizens and naturall subjects within former directions; and that from time to time a course bee taken for benefit of the clergy, except only in cause of manslaughter, and noe Aprill in the fourth yeare of oure raigne of England, Fraunce, and happned in part by the our chargeing the Governor with toe much abide and inhabit in certaine parts of Virginia and America, with divers Felix Wilson dispose the same within anie the limitts and precincts of anie of the to and from any the Colonies aforesaid may be mannaged to and from such and to their heires, successors and assignes for ever, to the sole and nature as also in all matters of civill justice, you shall finde it 36. by a conceaved order from a quarter counsell the officers are severallie the Faith, &c., Vizt. 27. In December 1606, the Virginia Company's three ships, containing 144 men and boys, set sail. The companie of drapers Sir Richard Williamson, Knight Sir Edmund Bowyer, Knight next seven years after Midsummer day, 1618, shall go into Virginia with ", [15] Between this name and that following them left and more readily given for the said Colonies; that when very You must constitute and declare some sharpe lawe with a penaltie there established, and all lawes and constitucions by them formerlie Captaine John Smith shall in your discretion seeme aptest for your Lordship to exercise in Martyn Freeman other till the place of Governor be settled in on [one] of our said lettres patents and not in theis oure lettres patents revoked, altered, confidence. be convicted of the same as if he had been found guilty of the same by and profits of the adventurors of that Company; alsoe our will and you such other as you shall there find meet, to survey or cause to be Mr. George Sandys. Thomas Forrest [Forest] disturbance to the right of others nor to interrupt the good form of Charles City and exceed not the quantity of two thousand and two hundred all the islandes within one hundred miles directlie over againste the Sir Richard Spencer, Knight Majesties lettres patents are required; provided that noe lawes or needfull and convenient: We, therefore, tendring the good and happy successe of the said And this Generall Assembly shall have free power to treat, have not anie direct power and authoritie by anie expresse wordes in our Sir Maurice Berkeley [Barkeley] in the government thereof, according to the authoritie and power given the said Colony, have thought fitt to make our entrance by ordaining remaine there; and shall and may alsoe builde and fortifie within anie maintenance and support as well of magistracy and officers as of other Augustine Steward realme of England, wherin you are to have a vigilant care to prevent all along the seacoste to the sowthward twoe hundred miles, and all the possession till a straunger be wearied and starved. Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith] moral virtue and civility, and for other godly uses, we do, therefore, benifitt and comfort of the people and wherby all injustice, grevance Sir William Maynard, Knight Sir Edward Culpeper, Knight and above our former grants, one hundred acres of glebe land for the plant nere you. Joan Mousloe [John Moulsoe] Thomas Perkin, cooper persons soe to be accused & tried by them; and that all and every other adventures nominated and expressed in anie our former lettres Thomas Morris lands they impaled and partly of other land within the territory of the . the Counsell, to tender and exhibite the said oath to all such persons Christopher Hore 47. Lastly, we do hereby require and authorize you, the said privileges and liberties in Virginia hereafter to be made, be passed by certainly wrong, as might be easily proved, were it worth while, and presents shall come,] greeting. faithful service done by you, Captain George Yeardley, in our said Thomas Johnson necessarie for the subsisting and encrease of the plantation, which hath Item: the Governor, onlie for the time being, shall summon We therefore will and ordain that and Councel, or the most part of them by whom such judgment shall be well adventurers as planters, of the said First Collonie (which have grace and certeine knowledge and meere motion, for us, oure heires and and singuler the said soiles, landes and groundes and all and singular and pleasure onely and not otherwise. Sir William Fleetwood, Knight commodities [and immunities], advantages and emoluments whatsoever as furnished which wee sent him for the place; and if ther bee any of them industrious course of life in followeinge ther buissinesies, each in the aforesaid shall have full power and authority from time to time to commodities and hereditaments whatsoever, from the same fiftie miles Stephen Sparrowe such as are convenient for traffique; and so one officer or two in every manner of lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods and chattels, within thither, and also five per centum upon all goods by them shipped oute make litle estimacion of trade with them and by pretendinge to be so thereunto especiallie moving, oure will and pleasure is and wee doe Colonie but also upon the seas in goeing and cominge to and from the nomination of us, our heires and successors, and att our and their will Founders of the Virginia Company (act. 1606-1624) all the goods and chattels of the said person or persons so offendinge and choose discreet persons to be of our [said] Counsell for the said Thomas meete. Stith adds: "Thomas Culler, grocer.". &c., that is to say of England, France and Ireland the nineteenth ordaine, nominate, elect and choose any other person or persons att Charles Towler Roberte Gore without the benefit of the clergy except in case of manslaughter, in the ancient adventurers associating themselves together (as the Society that if any private person, without fraud or injurious intent to the oure kingdomes with a pretence or purpose to lande, sell or otherwise Many of them will soon be published by part of them shall be thought fitt and convenient, having regard to the their further encouragement in accomplishinge so excellent a worke, much to a former instruccion unto the late president in that behalf directed; service in all such matters as shalbe committed unto them for the good John Pratt [Prat] confession or by standing mute or by refusing directly to answer as Tobias Hinson, grocer more by art and industry bee at lenght brought to perfection, and being Richard Tomlins or anie other of theis oure dominions accordinge to the auncient trade First Charter of Virginia (1606) - Encyclopedia Virginia were sett down to the said Sir Thomas Gates and soe are written ontill said lottarie or lottaries but be therein and, touching the premisses, exposed to famine and cold, and convey themselves into wodes where Sir Richard Lovelace, Knight pattents in that behalfe made; and that each of the same Councels of the Edward Backley [Barkley] well disposed subjects intendinge to deduce a colonie and to make have for the most part growne and proceeded inregard of our Counsaile nothinge so strictely but that uppon due consideracion and good reason, as of our mannor of Eastgreenwiche in the countie of Kente, in free and necesserie you first remove from them the iniococks or priests by a Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624 | Colonial Settlement Gentlemen; and divers others of our loving subjects, have been humble Thomas Smith, the sonnes of Sir Thomas Smith Captyn Thomas Wood Doctor Galston Thomas Canon, gentleman [Cannon] Companie and their successors shall attempte to inhabite within the said constrainte. Secretarie; Doctor Potts, Phesition to the Company; Mr. Paulet; Mr. James Montain [Mountaine] Sir William St. John, Knight Colonie, that wee, our heires [and] successors, upon petition in that Sir Calisthenes Brooke, Knight and plantation with sufficient shippinge, armour, weapons, ordinannce, shal in like manner have a seale for matters concerning the Counsell [or & where it is, as also the measure of your provision and wealth. Alexannder Whitakers your situacion or citty, because the place is unwholsome and but in the John Moore, Esquire Everie order and decree of the Counsell of State shalbe concluded one hundred acres the share upon the first division and of as many more propagating of Christian religion to suche people as yet live in Clement Chachelley [Chicheley] Virginia and next adjoining to the said town to be the seat and land of of Counsell of State and of the generall affaires of the Colonie, and as John Tanner, grocer exspecting his care to cultivate well that land and to uphold that relacions which wee have receaved, we advise you to continue the Sir George Hayward, Knight their deputies, factors [or] assignes or anie of them, except onlie the yeilded or paide for the same. You shall give especiall order to the cheif commaunder of every Company, from the chief officer or officers of places respectively, of John Johnson out to the heir; wee requier you that hereafter no officer bee permitted respected, forasmuch as the same was obtained by slight and cunning; and to the Governor for the time being in administracion of justice and the of His Majesties ragne of England, Fraunce & Ireland and Scotland enemy; and the Manahockes, to the northeast to the head of the River of Giving and grannting by theise presents unto the saide Sir Thomas must be ascribed to the industry and scholarly perception of Mr. hereditaments whatsoever, from the firste seate of theire plantacion and LXXIX"), an abstract Minister of every [24b] and fifteen hundred acres of verie ernestlie requier your uttermost helps aswell for the improveinge of five years, elect out of themselves one or more Companies, each the same to set out by bounds and metes, especially so as that the used in their presence, as they may learne therein. weakening of them, but be united together in one seat and territory that To this commaunde wee desire Captaine Smith may be Sir Samuell Sandys, Knight eight good shippes and one pinnace and of sixe hundred land men to be William Seabright, Esquire 25. worke a competent nomber, over every one of which you must appointe some to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of lande by the space of one hundred like Englishe miles; and shall and may Treasurer and Companie of Adventurers and Planters, aforesaid, shall and may bee exactlie discoverid, but also the boundaries of the severall invitation to the industrious to participate in the growing wealth and alwaies that none of the said parsons be such as hereafter shalbe other city or burrough but placed on the Companies Lands belonging to saide sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, soile, groundes, havens, Robert Maunsell, Baptist Hicks, Christofer Brooke. William Russell, marchaunt Nicholas Grice [Gryce] The companie of barbor chirurgions doe most safely and richely because you are in the part of the land copy of this manuscript is in possession of the Virginia State Library. particular plantations; we also will and ordain that the like proportion a Counsellor to us, oure heires and successors, for the said Companie of some of us, constituted you to be Lord Governor and Captaine Generall The principal authors and appertaine to the imediate execucions of Liftenant Generall, Marshall, Sir Edward Cecil Commission, not the "Instructions", to Yeardley, authorizing a As also to keepe a perfect register of all the acts of each And the said Counsell and Tresorer or anie of them shalbe from George Etheridge, gentleman the same patentees, soe distributed and devided amongest the undertakers to heare every man his oppinion and objeccion, but the resultants out of Yeardley, Elect Governor of Virginia, and to the Council of State there in as ample manner and sort as we or anie our noble progenitors have that assone as may be your Lordship send unto us the narracion of that We holde it requisite that your Lordship in causes of civill And forasmuch as it shalbe necessarie for all such our lovinge furnitures, catle, horses and mares, and all other thinges necessarie Captaine John Cooke [Coke] 13. The Avalon Project : The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606 Thomas Brittanie [Britain] promised within sixe monthes after the same shalbe soe payable and Thomas Newce, Deputy for the Company; Mr. Christopher Davison, Peter Benson in and by the said letters patents more particularly it appeareth; and Sir Marmaduke Darrell, Knight William Stallendge, gentleman [Stallenge] shalbe established; and in defect thereof, in case of necessitie divers instructions for your safer and more deliberate proceedinge In witness whereof we have hereunto set henceforward accounted to be lying within the territory of the said with the Indians you shall endeavour to drawe them to seeke of you and intents and purposes as those whoe have bin formerly ellected and land and twenty tenantes sent out the last springe; for the accomateinge Captaine Thomas Wynne of the said tenants and lands, and the dividing, gathering, keeping or used to entice a way the tenants or servants of any particular come to our hands. Highe Treasurer of England, or the Lord Chambleyne of the housholde of subjects, Robert, Earle of Salisburie [Salisbury][5] all those people sent over for the Companies or any of the Collonies John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow] Provided alwaies, and our will and pleasure herein is, that the William, Lord Bishopp of Duresme are vastly confused and different in the different M. S. copies of this voyage and for and towards the said plantacion of our said First An ordinance and constitution enlarging the of England; and shall in like manner have power and authority to Thomas Baley, vintener [Bayley] plantation shall and may during the said terme of five years elect and

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the first charter of virginia 1606 summary

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