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42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance

"Witchcraft can be very deceptive, and it can manifest in many ways in our lives," former witch Beth Eckert says. My Father, I decree that it shall be well with me and all that concerns me in Jesus name. I need your help because i read Mike Story. Oh Lord, I decree that every evil package sent to me by the enemies will never be delivered in Jesus name. I took a portion of the 3 and moved about 10 yards away from them, took a bit from the fish then another older woman that appeared to be like the boss called from the distance offering a small parcel of cake so that I can return the fish. -- Ruby, Texas, USA, "I wish Protection from Reckless People Prayer Dear Lord, To You, our God, we come for safety. Be blessed. She is working as teacher. I owe You my life and everything in it. Help me to speak gentle words to people, especially in the middle of an argument. Add some honey in the fire of the dia. The way this is applied is that you go into an Esther-Style fast and this time you pray for 1 hour every 6 hours. Any power assigned to cause go slow in my life, let the spirit of decay fall upon them in Jesus'name. then something told me to pray and send the fir of God to this thing. Teach me how to rule my spirit so that I am measured and do not become bitter. Oh Lord, break my life and destiny free from every assignment working against me in Jesus name. Amen. As I worship and praise Your mighty and powerful name, help me to overcome the lies of the enemy and to seek truth. -- John, Dubai, "Just Keep us, O Lord, from dishonoring Your name by fighting back against such abuses. Encourage me, O God, with Your loving presence and lead me on to complete healing. Amen. to satisy my curiosity I woke up and went to check the sink that was in my dream to see if the bucket in my dream was there and there it was! I pray that we can be protected from the evil of surveillance. You say You will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. They are wicked and lack judgment. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life" ( Revelation 2:10 ). In Christ Jesus name. Father, let the holy ghost fire fall upon my enemies and bring forgetfulness into their brain, in Jesus name. Strengthen me, I pray, that I may continually resist my wrong desires. Spare us from his oppressive ways that discourage or depress us. I soak myself, my household and everything that concerns me with the blood of Jesus. Make me into a righteous child of God. Sat midnight: 42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance Sat 6am: 35 prayers points to break ancestral yokes Sat 12 noon: 40 prayers to clear his miracle "pipeline" Sat 6pm: 40 prayers to "open" the heavens over his head Sun midnight: 37 prayer bullets to recover stolen virtues Sun 6am: 25 prayers to neutralize satanic backlash Demonic Oppression Prayer All-powerful Lord, You have triumphed over the devil. 42 Then my wrath against you will subside and my jealous anger will turn away from you; I will be calm and no longer angry. Oh Lord, bury every power on an evil agenda against my breakthroughs in Jesus name. They were the Goliath strongmenthat have been fighting his destiny (under deep cover) for so long. Prayers for Evils Outside the Home or in the Workplace Protection from the Evil One Prayer Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. God, I run and hide behind You. He wants you to give up, My Child. March around the walls in my mind and destroy every stronghold of anxiety in my life. 'https://' : 'http://') + ''+(typeof(jQuery)=='undefined'); var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ib, s);})(); // ]]>referral program March, You can use these HTML tags and attributes:

, Special ReportTHE 3 BEST DAYS TO PRAY(Please type your name and email address below, then click on "I Consent" button), "Not only was They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Help us to trust and leave everything into Your hands. God is in control. Give us, I pray, the wisdom to determine erroneous teachings so that we can avoid them. You alone are everything I need. then it fell to the ground not dead but like unconscious. Make my flesh and mind strong so that I can overcome my desire to use drugs/alcohol and stay sober. Let Your words come from my mouth, Your thoughts flow through my mind, and Your will be manifested in my actions. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anxiety Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, Your servant Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho, and the walls fell. On Retaliation or Revenge Prayer God of Mercy, You are the God of Justice. i also want to share testmonies. When i e mailed you i was told to finish the assignments which i actually did finish in 2011. Amen. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a46caf0c46998e23d5d6779cf8e4cd40" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Heal me completely, O Lord, from the clutches of these evil desires and fill me with Your Spirit, that I may find peace within that will guard my heart. I seek Your guidance today. Prayer For Shut The Door To Witchcraft And Evil Hie, lam also desperate like Abgail, l want to join the Prayer Academy but l dont know the procedure. A Prayer against Negativity. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. AAAAAHHHH! Jesus, clear my head. Do not allow them to become bullies themselves, instead mold them to become good influencers, who will be a help to those around them and who will honor You with their lives. G5 report as he has done to me Lets wait what comes out of mikes steps.I begin tomorrow. 65. Oh Lord, burn every spiritual headquarters planning any evil assignments on my life in Jesus name. kindly advise. Do not let me be deceived into believing that happiness will come from wealth. Energize me to pick myself up and take at least one positive step today. You say that vengeance is Yours and that You will repay my oppressors for what they have done to Your child. Thankfully, this brother is currently engaged in the 14-day program at the gate. Sarah. I am facing problem when am sick but when am okay am happy to be alone. Almost within a month, I received an answer. You will receive a new password via e-mail. What we didnt realise that the lawyers had entered my Aunt (Fathers sister) as beneficiary of Estate. Not this time hed already failed this crucial exam twice. Let Your Spirit, O Lord, nurture in us a humble spirit that regards others with respect at all times and in all things. I bow my head before You and ask that You cast the manipulating spirits in my life into the lake of fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Lord, open my ears to the truth of the surveillance state. Christ came into the world that we might have life and have it abundantly ( John 10:10 ). 62. In this imperfect world we live in, evil is inevitable, but God protects us against the enemy every moment of every day. Keep me safe from harm from wicked people who try to cheat me. Let us pray. The new Surveillance Law that was passed in Canada has enabled the NSA to spy on journalists, activists and citizens who may be critical of government. - scripture and holiness, self-discipline and habits, inspired ACTION and speedy manifestation of miracles. When I use the termprayer eagle, I usually am referring to someone who has experienced a recognizable level of success in prayer over a long period of time. 2. God performs signs and wonders to show his power and might, and to do unbelievable things in the life of believers. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about xxXXXX. Amen. Thank You and Many Blessings. A Prayer Against Evil: A Prayer to Protect Your Body. Silence Your Enemies and Shut Their Mouths: Prayer Against Evil Bless us, O Lord, with the steadfastness and contentment to trust Your promises and be joyful in Your provisions. And he achieved a spectacular victory that spilled over into other areas of his life. In You, he cannot harm us. Repentance will set you free. I killed the enemy in the dream. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Your light. I fear that I am becoming this person, as all my thoughts lead to despair. These men will be punished most severely." English Standard Version who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. Destroy the wickedness inside me that wants to do want I want, rather than Your holy will for my life. Help me to foster physical intimacy often with my spouse so that we meet each others physical needs. Ibelieve it will leave before the end of the program. 12yrs later, the probate period had expired (6yrs before) and upon re-lodgement, my mum had found the error. Christ Jesus, I come before You and ask for protection from the spirit of corruption. So I uncovered the cage, there were 3 big fishes and I think there also some roast potatoes and vegetables with each of the fishes. Much to my surprise, Mike reported that nothing happened during this exercise he couldnt even remember having any tell-tale dreams! I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Amen. i am not afraid of you! His entire family was suffering untold losses and hardship as a result of this covert bombardment from the pit of hell. God, send down your Angels to protect me from every evil assignment sent to work against me in Jesus name. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Addiction Oh, Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world, heal me from my distress. got over and wedding has been fixed for April 13, 2009." I am presently on the 14 day program and had a dream two days ago.. And he was terribly distressed. Remind me when I carelessly misuse or abuse my body that this is against Your will. Then turn my thoughts outwards to others, so that I seek ways in which to be a blessing to them. 24-Hour Blog (Golden Journey Series)resume: January 12, Singles Prayer Marathon resumes:January 12, GOLD Edition (for marriages) resumes: January 12. I am very happy I am a part of this program -( storming the gates in 2013). Jesus, You remind us that our time on earth is short and that laziness will lead us to our demise. Increase my trust and faith that You alone are God, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good, and the creator of heaven and earth. There are few of my dreams i sent to you, if you can help me with the interpretation, Elisha, i will be happy. My husband and i cannot afford not to be alert. },1000); Is like u did not read the instruction that u shd not ask for prayer points of Mike but rush to join prayer academy. Guide my actions so that I do not put myself in a situation where I am tempted. 11 Uplifting Prayers for Bad Thoughts - ConnectUS Total prayer time 12 hours But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. I want to, but do not know how to get these racing thoughts out of my head. Instill hope in my heart that the future is bright. Fri 6pm: 53 foundation- sanitizing prayers Sat midnight: 42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance Sat 6am: 35 prayers points to break ancestral . Continue to protect me and deliver me from my fear of death. I had dream on the above mentioned date that i should marry Rhoda (not her real name) this lady i wanted to marry her sometime through my late brother Fredrick. Help me to see all Your sons and daughters as equals at the Cross of Cavalry. Jesus, I have more of a craving for food instead of a craving for the Word of God, and for this, I repent. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Abaddon (Destruction) Lord God, my Shield, You are the one who cast out the angels who disobeyed You from heaven. what is the procedure to join both prayer academy and the Eagles one. And the Word was made flesh and it dwelt among us. The strange thing is this goblin was wearing a school uniform I used to wear in primary school and it was holding something that looked like a square brownish/blackish block. Ezekiel 16:42New International Version. My Father, expose and disgrace every power and forces sending evil assignments into my life in Jesus name. Since knowing ur website late last yr, I can feel a wind of change blowing towards my life and I cant wait to see how JEHOVA will move in every area of my life. Lord, help me see through all illusions and lies about this world and its systems that are designed to oppress me and keep me enslaved in a new slavery under modern day Babylonian system that is designed by satanists who have infiltrated our government at all levels including local law enforcement agencies such as police departments which has been turned into Gestapo military like police force that we have today under martial law now in America where theyre using their military equipment against innocent people including children who gets shot down by these Gestapo police officers every day without any accountability whatsoever because they have been given immunity by their own government because they have started a civil war against their own citizens here in America now where there is no longer any rule. Shmuel Hakatan is simply quoting the Book of Proverbs, 9 yet the Mishnah cites this in his name. Give me Godly discretion, that I may always be safe. People with evil assignments in the Bible: 1 Kings 21:15 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead, Esther 3:5 And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath, Mark 14:10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them. This is a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. will not have a stronghold on my thoughts. Perform this mantra for 1,000 times a day until you will see a positive result. In Jesus name. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil in this world, and the enemy constantly tries to tear us apart from God by putting evil into our hearts and minds. Father, let confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies, in Jesus name. You have the keys of death and of Hades. We ask You to protect us from all evil intentions, plans and attempts against us. Closing down every satanic gates - All About GOD those are definitely not his grades and something has happened. I started to wonder was this all a dream or did it really happen? On my way out I met a police woman who told me to ask the guy at the back to help me burn it he knew how to do it. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! I suggested for him to take on Step 3 Prayers starting from page 48 ofPrayer Cookbook for Busy People, Esther-style. Unfortutely this lady is from home area, she knows me very well. }); { 25 comments read them below or add one }. I am unable to see the good in anything. Cover me with Your presence when I feel weak so that he will flee from my presence. Instill in me the shield of faith against the spirit of deception that roams the earth today. Help us keep our communication open and honest all the time. It is not so easy to pray though (because it comes with a peculiar type of fasting, described in the Bible book of Esther). Please send me relevant bible versus and targeted prayer bullets for this. We pray that people will be allowed to express themselves freely without fear of being watched by others or by the government. Let it wither up and die. God bless you. Make my cup overflow with Your love. Here is some information on breaking generational curses. Fix my eyes on You and Your word. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. -- Lorraine, USA, " Satan is the enemy and the father of lies. 28. We opened 2013 by storming the gates with prayers that someone has described as nothing short of thermonuclear.. Amen. The Word shall surely be made flesh. I only got to know about u recently & I blv dt as use ds prayer methods it will work for me effectively & I will give GOD all d praise especially in rgds to my husband s life I blv GOD Will set him free from ds very stubborn demonic afflictions on his life & I make a vow that if GOD answers me after the pattern of prayers I intend to undergo I will giv GOD Praise in substance & thanksgiving pls pray along wit me man of GOD.

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42 prayers to shut down evil surveillance

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