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james 3:17 commentary

That wisdom that is earthly, sensual, devilish, envying, striving, bitterness.Now, what marks your life? We find the same truth frequently in St. John (John 15:4, 5; The Greeks defined it as pity for the man who is suffering unjustly; but Christianity means far more than that by eleos ( G1656) . So in talking about the tongue, it's a very small part of our anatomy. Accordingly it is a practical denial of the very attitude you take in asking God. This term is linked with the next one and both speak of the care of the poor, needy, and alienated of James 2:15-16. The importance of loving peace 3:17-18. The apostles and the prophets were for ever on the move. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, But the wisdom that is from above Which has God for its author; which is infused into the soul by the Spirit of God; and leads into the knowledge of things that are above, of heavenly things; and which only is true wisdom and knowledge; and those who are possessed of it are the only true Gnostics; for which, (See Gill on James 3:13) namely, the grace of God: this wisdom. I am not aware of any part of the word of God in which a believer, save perhaps in a transitional state, is ever referred to as a sinner. "[40] All who teach others should ever be conscious of the fact that a rude or thoughtless word may wound to death an immortal soul. Coming as it does after epieikes ( G1933) , it probably bears this second meaning here. And of course you can go down to Sea World or over to Marineland and see how they have trained the fish. Persons are apt to think of the psalms of David whenever there is the introduction of the word. Is any merry? In this sense the wheel of life can stand for the weary treadmill of constant reincarnation. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. Was she not willing, so to speak, to hand over the possession of the city in which she had been born and bred to those who were going to raze it to the foundations? It serves as the light to guide one to Heaven (Psalms 119:105). Let him show by the loveliness of his behaviour that all he does is done with gentleness. There is no room for pride in human life, for there is not a man upon earth who has not some blot of which to be ashamed. In the New Testament, the term is found only here and has two possible meanings. This we know was an old custom. Mercy is not a mere feeling. Had he in this epistle launched out into the vast expanse of the truth, he would only have given an impulse to the heaping up of more dogmas. Clearly he is in this place addressing his brethren in Christ. Full of mercy Ready to pass by a transgression, and to grant forgiveness to those who offend, and performing every possible act of kindness. A Jew would have been likely to have thought of it thus; for he naturally turned to the law as the one and only standard. His very name means, "My great one." What an unexpected moral link! In Phil. The rudder on a ship, a small part of the ship, but yet it turns the ship. Ye have condemned and killed the just." Pretending outwardly to be faithful to the Lord with words, while inwardly the heart is far from loving Him, is another example of hypocrisy (Matthew 15:7-9). Their field was the whole Church; and they did not stay long in any one congregation. James 3:17 in all English translations. However, it is an application of "wisdom from above" that drives these Out of same mouth there proceeds blessings and cursings. Envying and strife are opposed to the meekness of wisdom. ( Galates 3:1 )_ 2. But here the apostle is exposing the absence of an internal work where intelligence is severed from conscience, and this he illustrates, as we have seen, by the man that gets a glance in a glass, and then all is gone directly his back is turned. With such demonstrations, Jesus disturbed the Pharisees. 10:6), the temper that does not press its rights, that is content to suffer wrong (comp. Lie not thus against the truth." It is the prayer of the Psalmist that God may make the wicked like chaff before the wind; and that his tempest may destroy them as fire consumes the forest and the flame sets the mountains ablaze ( Psalms 83:13-14). This wisdom is first pure: The reference is not to sexual purity but to the absence of any sinful attitude or motive. (Burdick), ii. It ranges over the whole earth and reaches to heaven." Here, on the other hand, we find the common sense of temptation. True wisdom may be known by its works. The passage speaks of practice, not of doctrine. It is a sobering thing to remember that the wisdom he possesses is devilish rather than divine. Far from being theoretical and speculative, Jamess concept of wisdom is thoroughly practical. Worldly wisdom might well wish to escape Gods sight" (95). 154. But, on the other hand, James is far from leaving out the use of the law: we shall find it in this very epistle. (ii) A rudder is very small in comparison with the size of a ship; and yet, by exerting pressure on that little rudder, the steersman can alter the course of the ship and direct it to safety. You know we sometimes just don't want to give that person that consolation of saying, "Well that's all right, I understand." Also it is no mean confirmation of what has been already advanced as to James. It can be used in the sense of dirty clothes being washed clean or melting gold to remove the impurities so that it will be pure. The law forbad the very things to which man's own impulses and desires would have prompted him, and is the solemn means of detecting rebellious fallen nature. But the common view of this passage is not chargeable with any such absurdity. In contrast, the wisdom God gives has several characteristics. Because they wanted to do what God prohibited. For the seed which one day produces the reward which righteousness brings can only be sown when personal relationships are right and by those whose conduct produces such relationships. Again this idea is woven into Jewish thought. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. The wisdom from above is not envious, but pure; is not contentious, but peaceable; does not create confusion, but is patient and conciliatory; and instead of producing every evil work, it is full of mercy or benevolence, and of the fruits of benevolence, being not censorious or partial in judgment, and not dissembling, or acting dishonestly. Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" (a) It can mean adornment, although this is less usual. Meek, modest, of an equal mind, taking every thing in good part, and putting the best construction upon all the actions of others. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without variance, without hypocrisy. Now we come to the other side. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It regards its opponents as enemies to be annihilated rather than as friends to be persuaded. so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh ( James 3:9-12 ). Thus he shows that faith supposes confidence in God, and that this doubtful mind, this hesitancy about God, is in point of fact nothing but unbelief. It is grace alone that has communicated the nature of God; it is grace alone that strengthens the new nature by the gift of the Holy Ghost who dwells in us; and yet more than this, "He giveth more grace. Here it is a question of God's judgment. He also calls it gentle or tractable; by which he means that it widely differs from pride and malignity. I think that we should keep it just as pure as possible as we seek to teach the Word. When Jesus says, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy," He is teaching something new and different for that age. But not more certainly was Paul inspired to present Abraham's faith and Abraham's act too in this closing circumstance of his life (we may say, the great and final test of his faith), not more was Paul guided in his application, than James was in that which has been just now before us. A group where there is bitterness and strife is a barren soil in which the seeds of righteousness can never grow and out of which no reward can ever come, The man who disturbs personal relationships and is responsible for strife and bitterness has cut himself off from the reward which God gives to those who live his life. "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation," instead of being exposed either to the instability of unbelief which we saw, or to the mere dependence on natural resources which was next proved. Again we are are reminded of Jesus words that good trees bear It is not so when we enter from the Acts of the Apostles; as in truth it is so arranged in the great mass of ancient authorities, and some versions which follow them. The word epiekes means sweet reasonableness or forbearance. It does not push its own rights or opinions without listening to others and respecting others (cf. James first of all warns against a desire to teach the Word of God that would stem or emanate just from your own desire to be in front of people or whatever. (128), (127) Pure, , is to be understood according to what the context contains. See the rabbinical meaning of this phrase at the end of this chapter. This wisdom is not acquired through human means. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. His word for zeal is zelos ( G2205) . "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Let's turn to James chapter three. We may well rejoice over a "sinner saved" if we know the mercy of it in our souls; but if we license the phrase a "saved sinner," the moral effect is, that, when and though saved, he is still free to sin. And good fruits - The fruits of good living; just, benevolent, and kind actions. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Full of mercy - Merciful; disposed to show compassion to others. Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom,James 3:13; James 3:13. is first pure; it is pure in itself, it is free from everything that is earthly, carnal, or sensual, or devilish; it produces purity of heart, of life, and conversation; and is the means of keeping persons pure and chaste, and free from impure lusts, lusts of uncleanness, pride, envy, wrath which prevail in carnal and unregenerate men: and then peaceable; it inclines and engages those who have it to live in peace with the saints, and even with all men; with those of their own household, with their neighbours, yea, with their enemies: it is also "gentle"; or makes men gentle, moderate, and humane, so as that they bear, and forbear; they bear with the infirmities of the weak; readily forgive injuries done them; do not rigidly exact what is their due, but recede from their just right for the sake of peace and love; and do not bear hard upon others for their failings, but cover them with the mantle of love: and it is. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . ", But another thing is to be heeded. It measures success in worldly terms; and its aims are worldly aims. "Is any among you sick? Whence such wisdom cometh: It descendeth not from above, but ariseth from beneath; and, to speak plainly, it is earthly, sensual, devilish,James 3:15; James 3:15. The first of the apostle does not indicate even preference of the pure spirit to the peaceful spirit, but only the order in which they are to be exercised. (It is but too true that much unseemly strife has had the aegis of this text thrown over it. (i) We put a bit into the mouth of a horse, knowing that if we can control its mouth, we can control its whole body. I admit it must be put by competent authority. word occurs only here in the NT and denotes a consistent, unwavering person who is undivided in his commitment and conviction and does not make unfair distinctions. As a whole, you are aware that the prophets addressed themselves to the people of Israel. By the tongue men can make the worse appear the better reason; by the tongue men can excuse and Justify their wicked ways; by the tongue men can persuade others into sin. They both employ the words, "faith," "works," and "justify," but they are not settling the same question, but two different ones. Such is the law of liberty: as if one said to the child, "Now, my child, you must go and do such or such a thing," all the while knowing that you can confer no greater favour on the child. Compare Phi 4:8; 1 Timothy 5:22; 1 John 3:3; where the word is rendered, as here, pure; 2 Corinthians 7:11; where it is rendered clear, (in this matter); 2 Corinthians 11:2; Tit 2:5; 1 Peter 3:2, where it is rendered chaste. This is everywhere the nature of true religion. Himself a wise man in his ordinary ways, there was divine wisdom given him by the Holy Ghost in thus dealing so directly with the snares of the twelve tribes, and even of that portion which professed the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Living in peace with others, and promoting peace among men. As he says here, "Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow" not even on the morrow. [39] J. R. Dummelow, Commentary on the Holy Bible (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1937), p. 1036. It was quite right that others should so designate him; but he calls himself "the servant," not merely "of God," but "of the Lord Jesus Christ.". There is no doubt that this gives excellent sense; but it is doubtful if the phrase really can mean that. ], 3. Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom? In virtue of his office he will either be teaching those who are young in years or those who are children in the faith. The virtues James lists are predominantly nonselfish and nonaggressive; those who practice these virtues show greater concern for others than for themselves. Is it not also striking as a proof that superstition is at bottom infidel as truly as free-thinking. They used the faith of Christ rather for conscientious, godly, thorough carrying out of their Jewish thoughts. The man who is epieikes ( G1933) is the man who knows when it is actually wrong to apply the strict letter of the law. There must be no attempts to reach peace by overleaping purity. The heart is the seat of both; but envy and wisdom cannot dwell together in the same heart. His argument runs like this: "Is there any of you who wishes to be a real sage and a real teacher? If we are wiser than others, this should be evidenced by the goodness of our conversation, not by the roughness or vanity of it. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." Christians must distinguish between spiritual wisdom and worldly wisdom. "Who is he that hath not offended with his tongue?" He proves that the least things are often those which govern other bodies incomparably larger. And then He said it is "out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks" ( Matthew 15:11 , Matthew 15:18-19 ). It is perfectly plain that according to man Abraham would have been in danger of losing his liberty, if not his head, for intent to kill Isaac; and unquestionably, judged by her country's law, the conduct of Rahab must have exposed her to the worst punishment of the worst political crime. It is not something that man acquires on his own. Its attitude is pride in its knowledge rather than humility in its ignorance. It is not only a question of trials that come upon the believer when he is here below. So on Rahab's story I need not dwell, except just to show how remarkably guided of divine wisdom was James's allusion. Thank you for the great commentary. How truly it bears the very stamp of inspiration, and the more so because we know the apostle Paul refers to Abraham at least for a totally different purpose! But as time went on the word came to describe the moral purity which alone can approach the gods. Without variance Gibson tells us that scholars are not altogether sure of the meaning of the word thus rendered, "without variance, without doubtfulness or without partiality,"[42] all being possible denotations of it. 4. It is nothing more. Let a man, before he speaks, remember that once a word is spoken it is gone from his control; and let him think before he speaks because, although he cannot get it back, he will most certainly answer for it. This is put, first of all, - JFB, pure -- The term hagnos has the same Greek root as holy (hagios). Here he looks at sin in the conduct, and accordingly there are evil workings within, and then the outward act of sin. If they were set on fire, the flames spread like a wave which there was no stopping. Accordingly "whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed" (or rather "doing"). It works nothing suitable to His moral nature. Salem Media Group. Then it entered politics and came to mean that selfish ambition which was out for self and for nothing else and was ready to use any means to gain its ends. He should not imagine he is superior to others, nor should he hurt others with his words. WebJames 3 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. The Lord Himself respected the adjuration of the high-priest; and in no passage whatever do we see a depreciatory allusion to a judicial oath in the sermon on the mount, or, in what James says here, or in any other part of the Bible, but the contrary, The Lord was addressing Jewish disciples, James writes to the twelve tribes of Israel who are in the dispersion; but what they both set their faces against was the habit of bringing in religious asseverations for the purpose of confirming their word every day, besides the profaning of the Lord's name in matters of this life. c. Confusion and every evil thing: This is the fruit of human, earthly wisdom. One of the most difficult things in the world is to argue without passion and to meet arguments without wounding. A man could have evil thoughts and desires, but as long as he was religious outwardly he could still be pure. Was this the time for an Israelite to lie for profit and get gain by it? Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon at 3:56 a.m., 21 July, British time. It is not only that the nature of man expresses itself in the tongue, but in the feelings of the heart; and alas! There was a remarkably direct intervention of God, but it was in no way connected with any gift of miracles committed to the people who were praying. Philippians 1:11 note; 2 Corinthians 9:10 note. He writes, as seen, to the twelve tribes scattered abroad, and sends them greeting.

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