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jessica adams predictions for 2022

Im wondering if Im picking up collective detours about my 2023 concerning covid or if there is a personal obstacle that I need to be aware of. I dont call lockdowns by that name as its about the American jail system, not staying at home to save lives. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. One is irresistible and you will have a superior way of working and looking after your health by May. Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July SYDNEY VOTES TEAL IN MARCH 2023 @jessicacadams. Yet, you need to organise this very carefully, Pisces, as there may be a lack of attention to detail (especially the numbers) which results in wasted opportunities. Until then, the ebook edition is on Amazon. Thanks Julie. Cast your mind back. This cycle we are in is so uncannily similar to HIV-AIDS. So at the start and end of 2022 you are reborn. Get Daily Horoscopes Thursday April 27th and other great astrological forecasts from Jessica Adams, at Thank you. Hi Jessica, Even if we dont include the astrology, it is clear that China has long queues to the crematoriums and a Sky-TV crew from London were prevented from filming by Chinese police who tried to take their camera. If you are watching Australian politics, the election will involve a Pisces, Labor leader Anthony Albanese. Its very common for Sun Capricorn people to have planets in Aquarius, and if you check your natal chart to find this is the case, pay attention to the challenging transit of Saturn in Aquarius, in your natal Eleventh House of groups, in 2022. We also see the end of petrol from 2026. Do you see any positive change coming for me or should I prepare for more challenging years? Libra, those whose ideas are so different to your own, or those whose plans and projects seem to be at odds with you, potentially benefit you in 2022. I understand how incredibly busy you are so I appreciate if you take the time to respond. The year begins with a traffic jam of planets in Capricorn, dominating January-March, which suggests you will rise again. Happy New Year Jessica! It may be a new man in your life who you have not even met yet. will that be a combined variant? I would like to know the best way to find a well paid job in 2023. I truly believe in all kinds of partnerships, but am not sure what transit could have played into the fact that over the past years it has been more and more deceitful to believe in balanced partnerships. Thanks for everything Jessica, the website is such a source of support for so many including myself and wishing you a very Happy New Year. COVID Its been 165 years since Neptune was in this zone of your horoscope and 12 years since Jupiter was there. Shared household? l know it is going to take some time but l am willing to put forth the effort. I have 16,269 comments today so unfortunately I am not sure where yours has gone tobut I have your chart here so will take a look now. It may be a simple question of tax money, gathered from the rich, and paid out to the poor (which might be you). Try to use the financial reality to change that. Thank you. PISCES Happy New Year. The entry and exit points of Jupiter, for a start, give you deadlines. Are you able to tell from my chart if this is possible? You can watch my predictions for your sign on YouTube here. I first discovered you by recommendation just after Putin invaded Ukraine and it has been so insightful and has made the world that bit less scary! We now know that Russia astrology chart is the one. I am glad you are across UVC and HEPA. Im a Sun Taurus and a lot of my horoscopes are talking about an idea or two and taking things global I qualified in nails earlier this year and I was hoping to make a career out of that but due to my current financial situation, its not possible for me to do that just yet so I am hoping these predictions mean positive change is coming. We both want to be debt free, mortgage free/moving/better living conditions and enjoy life more. . I wonder if you could look at my chart and give me a few words. Its a new path for you. Following your last reply to me, looks like career progress hasnt quite landed yet but my very psychic wife has told me that shes getting nothing but I need to be patient and something is on the way, so Im not sure what you see on that front. Charles and Camilla will not be King and Queen. Fishie. The virus migration on the Black Death astrology cycle, followed the sea and land trading routes of the time: The Silk Road. Thank you. I hope we will be better equipped moving forward. Aries partnerships are a story (sexual partnerships or professional partnerships) now, February, March then a break then again in June, July and ongoing to January 2025. So well have issues on all fronts. This transit of Saturn seems to be difficult if it comes to a restriction and limit. Happy New Year. I use the Natural House system, so at 21, 21, 29 Aquarius, your patterns are in the Eleventh House of friendship, social media, your social life and particularly groups only until the start of March. So much value here, compared to 11+ popular astrology sites. 1. NEW HEALTH CARE Understanding how collectives of people operate, psychologically and emotionally, will help you. Please visit Twitter for the best coverage of current affairs through the imagery of 2022. Now, are you a Premium Member? I will pass that on to my colleagues at Asporea. Its astonishing to me that there is dead silence in the media about COVID, especially in NYC. David Hockney, 9th July. Thank you Jessica for those great predictions. Mychart: You may do this because you have to, or because you want to. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. I love reading your articles, As ever I wait with anticipation to see what happens in 2023 particularly around King Charles and Covid. CANCER The South Node is in Scorpio in your solar Eighth House of family property and family money. Why? This resulted in Climate Change. I am not aware of bird flu being involved but I need to update myself with the experts on Twitter. This may be work-life balance or just sunscreen. 1 10 Thank you again for your gift, and for sharing your knowledge. Yes, it may do. When the Moon or planets join the South Node in Scorpio in your sector of groups, you are more likely to see outcomes. You owe or are owed. My chart has some Virgo (in Aesculapia (21) and Juno (10)) but planets in Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces too. You have a few more weeks of the usual solutions and opportunities, taking you higher then on 20th December its over. Your most restrictive, limiting financial cycle in 29 years ends in March. Very wary about what some of the implications will be. If your sign falls in that group then two or more of the other signs Ive mentioned on that list, will be involved with one crucial concept or point of view. Maybe both. It sounds as if you have switched-on managers. When the news broke I thought of your prediction. Perhaps what happens to these six countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxemburg originally in the EEC will also affect your bank balance. If its going to happen, it would be news by March. Siouxsie Sioux, 27th May Secret society? The 2024 elections in India, America, the United Kingdom are all about a radical new world economy. I mentioned it works both ways, though. In case you have any thoughts on my state, I live in Missouri. Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding and Professor Dr. Kerryn Phelps are my sources. The South Node has a peculiar habit of pulling you back, so in your case, you had the South Node in Sagittarius in 2021, but in 2022 it goes back one sign into Scorpio. Maybe youre happy to accept that in exchange for a new home. Main image: iStock. Now, you can put it to good use. It will also help him to have a partnership of some sort, if he does not already have one. Then control it. So its a Covid year, 2022, but that makes you focus, successfully, on export. I appreciate your comments and wish you a very happy new year. So this is a huge change year and very welcome. It will be powerful and empowering if you can use your willpower. You can choose retirement if you want to but you will still be extremely successful May 2023 to May 2024 if you say yes to a stunning opportunity to go higher and further in life. Perhaps this is your son coming to stay with you on a regular, though part-time basis. This may be the point at which you feel you need to write a weighty tome. i was wondering if there is any hope to do it before 2026 big shutdown may this new digital currencies help me save money for the journey as most of digital wallets banned in my country make it harder even to be a member of your site, also : i have thots of launching a web project for specific country may help in getting a scholarship or job offer to relocate With Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 this is your chance to step up, look like the leader required, and shoulder some serious responsibility. Did you see this? You will be given an important choice to form or reform a sexual partnership from July 2023 and by 2024 will have decided who you are going to go with, and why. In 2022, Gemini, you will find yourself challenged by a varied group of people, to say the least. Bitcoin made a new bear-market low. Love your site and your predictions are spot on! Dear Jessica It may be that in your last life you were a peasant or labourer who had no power. Please login now to access your Premium Member content. Hoping something good is in my future for 2023. The new travel will be travel in the mind, in online spaces with virtual versions of yourself. Or at least bypass the pharmaceutical companies, cough, cough. The North Node of stuck karma entered your Seventh House of marriage, professional partnership, serious relationships, business duets, and all kinds of double-acts or duels, back on May 6th 2020. Academia might call you in 2022, or even call you back. Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. Happy New Year. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation Some years ago, Diana told us what she thought of her former husband in her own words - and. Thank you so much. Your career will look and feel completely different in March 2023 when the unsettled atmosphere of January and early February 2023 is over and you will see the end of a long period of difficulty with people or organisations basically power-tripping, manipulating or game-playing. Wages went up. The first man died from the Corona Virus, Covid-19 on one date and WHO declared the virus a pandemic near the second date. J.K.Rowling is a good person to follow on this. There is more to say about this, diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot reading for the year. The science has backed the astrology and the variant I was concerned about in September (XBB) is now behind the dominant strain of Covid in America. The wise men and women. This feels like it will become the norm for the entertainment industry and sports industry too, once Pluto changes signs to Aquarius from the final week of March. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). Weve not seen anything like this in our lifetime. as I have felt quite unsettled & unsure, given the sacrifice made will it offer any progression in the future?! Prince Charles will become king but his reign will not last long. There is no shortage of faith and belief. Pluto moves out of conservative Capricorn into an innovative sign advances in fusion energy and AI and hopefully some new thinking on the desperate plight of refugees around the world and Jupiter promising optimism and abundance moves into Taurus where Uranus is disrupting food supplies worldwide. However, good things have resulted from these difficulties or interesting circumstances. Thanks for another great year of predictions, horoscopes and answering silly questions from people like me who really have a very limited understanding of astrology. Its just your exterior and you would be amazed at how little it matters. Dont you think the world is trying to just stop testing and people can be mixing up covid with flu without even knowing covid is there. Also, never had Covid, very fearful of this coming March but l have hepa filter purifiers in my home. To make it easier and faster, make any issues with groups around you, smaller and less important. We are going to see local people (your suburb, neighbourhood, town, city precinct) push back in 2022 and 2023. You have a highly unusual Minerva pattern in your chart. Lots of shoulds but actually nothing will change until you join others in insisting upon it. Happy New Year. Lifestyle change same as HIV-AIDS which hit us on the same cycle, in the Nineties. I am pursuing a reliable natal chart for him now, thank you. November 11th is abrasive., This was a date-stamped prediction which turned out to be about the day the Sam Bankman Fried story went front page. Yet, to get there, you need the point of no return. Find out in our latest video.Astrologer Jessica Adams predicted the virus (twice) one year before it happened. This prediction ran the day before the World Cup kicked off. You are solely responsible for what you post. They will be back in stock with a new cover. This is coming back in 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. Watch at 35 minutes in. This global pandemic enters the most critical phase yet from March 2023 in every country of the world and the science is already showing that the variant I predicted in September is the problem. They call it XBB. I am so sorry your partner passed away; you are hoping for better days and they are in fact coming. What the world has needed all along is employer power; parent power; a united push back against politicians and businessmen who are putting profit before protection. If life feels random, in 2022, as if you are swinging backwards and forwards, you can thank Jupiter and his unusual vanishing act. I am glad India is making N95 masks mandatory. The thought of more people becoming sick or dying is not good but a solution by 2026. Happy New Year. This is no different to people dealing with smoking or AIDS in the 1990s. My sun sign on my birth chart is saying I am a Pisces, although on your sign dates on the website, I am a Aquarius (Im born February 19th). It could qualify as one of the most severe Mercury Retrograde events of all time. Electric planes. If you planted a good acorn 12 years ago and tended to it, metaphorically speaking, it will become an oak before May. years ahead of The Spanish . The duel may have been with a family member, like your father, or the duet may have been a standard dating situation. Im currently unemployed, and I have to rearrange my life after a very heavy period. No more kerosene. I would rather live off-grid than that! It really depends on your values. I think of Capricorn/ Taurus, two of the 3 earth signs as representative of our functioning world. It takes two, for these signs. Thats why I have been telling people to keep evidence of Covid-19 losses as once Pluto goes into Aquarius, people power will be there for combined actions, for the next 20 years or so. We have see this before. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Despite politicians, airlines, airports and cruise ship companies fantasising and denying, Covid was always going to keep mutating and like anything, it tries to survive and thrive. Uranus (the revolution) leaves Taurus (the world economy) and goes into Gemini (transport) and so the new commute will be in the new, shared, small electric car schemes or on incredible new trains and buses. Its hard to say without a full chart in front of me, but I suspect you mean money when you say career, as you are dealing with the South Node in Scorpio in the Eighth House, which rules your bank account. In fact, we have not only Mercury Retrograde but also Mars Retrograde (two backwards-moving planets) in this same chart zone, where you educate younger people, or raise them. Jessica Adams. In China, they have everyone controlled by their technology so much so that whatever they do, the gov or the PTB knows about everything you do. This meant supply shortages back then, and rationed food. You are a little early. You may also be one of lifes jugglers, so while you are hoping to expand and explore through your son, you may want to do something concrete with a concept that you know could take off, if you only had the time to research a home for it. Complicated patients wont be the market for the new Zoom/drugstore/pharmacist health care either. Better conditions. Janie Bee. THE ROYAL FAMILY There is no easy way out or through in 2022, but as 2023 rolls on, you will be in a very different position. Together you can build great things. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. TAURUS How? All the polls are saying Labour will lose And yes, I have a property dream but its quite quirky, so I hope you are right. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Thats why. You do love a bit of verbal jousting or a gentle debate. Gemini is the zodiac sign which rules your Ninth House, so the worldwide web, publishing and particularly foreigners and foreign countries. Best Wishes, The Astrology Club Team. Any new COVID-19 variant or new epidemic making news on the Full Moon at 17 Pisces opposite the Sun at 17 Virgo on Saturday 10th September, escalating on Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th September, is a worry. In America its at a 30-year-high as I write this in November 2021. Your duet matters less than the message, though. also I will have a court on 28 Feb, will I be satisfied from the result of that court? Thank you. The combined vote for Labor and the Liberal/National Party was the lowest on record. According to the astrology, with all the variants, COVID-19 is not stopping until travel is controlled. When life pulls backwards like this, it tends to produce a process with a strong outcome. Ive read your thoughts about UV lights and how this will be a catalyst toward change. You are not the only person who feels like this and it is important to network and unite. Directly, if you live there, or indirectly, if this is part of your professional or business world. Thank you. Worldwide or certain areas? You can find out more about your Libra stellium and the South Node in Libra cycle in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you. Your husband wants to retire but should do as much research as possible about that, before he does so. Covid and March -23?. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology - Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Once that happens I will let readers on this website and on Twitter know. You have him taking you higher until 10th May then he is gone from your chart, not to return until 28th October. Happy New Year. I have a stellium in Aries and Taurus so Im hoping and praying 2023 is better in many aspects of life! Sadly, the politicians have decided to throw that away in Tasmania, where I am now. Actually Im taking care of my aging parents. You are identified with duets, pairs and partnerships, but its funny how often people forget that Libra is a terrific combatant. Stop tourism and business travel. You give them courage and hope. The only thing that worked against AIDS was condoms, safe sex and monogamy. I have diary dates for you and your Tarot reading for 2022. Just thought this may possibly be in keeping with what you have said about breakthroughs with UVC. 5. Finally, to deal with everything I have been putting energy on meditation, mindfulness, astrology. Once it starts it will not stop and it will show in different ways to the year 2044, actually. I am naturally very social but this has changed due to my circumstances. Thank you for your good wishes for other readers and myself; Happy New Year. None of this is new! This is really the driver of the situation. In October 2022 a lot of my friends on Twitter in Brazil celebrated his departure. You may have moved on from these comments but Im wondering about my story. Whoopi Goldberg, November 13th In this life you have been given the chance to use your power. I think your biggest issue has been the barriers, obstacles and barricades with friends, groups and your social life. Thank you for your patience. You get an A for patience. Yet, things change overnight in our brave new world, dont they? Expect shocks to the sharemarkets with Elon Musk and Wall Street on April 28th to 30th and May 1st. Thank you in advance. ACN 644668431. I will pass that compliment onto Asporea who create and run this website. Im an Aries sun, Gemini rising, Virgo moon born in 1974. Today we associate it with Zoom. And so to your other son who says he is transgender. Shared electric car and bike stations. I am feeling very conflicted by a strong instinctive desire to step away from my current demanding career path, possibly into relatively modest early retirement, and staying put in full time work as the financially responsible choice given current financial turmoil. By 2024 your memory of being angry and powerless will be just that. There is every chance you will be learning and studying as well, Taurus. You are a Sun Cancer with stelliums in Cancer, Aries, Aquarius. And you can find your own one-line quick prediction here too. Covid begins its worst phase in March 2023. Saturns call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. Issues like peer group pressure; the hive mind; group psychology; team spirit dominate 2022 for you, if you are in this four-sign collection. These predictions are fascinating and Im readying myself for the shocks of March! Im wondering how this years astrological weather will affect me or does it just pass without affect? Same cycle as the Black Death. That will help. Are you going up, or going down? So, what else does the master see for 2021 and beyond? I am an Oncology nurse and Im curious about your predictions on the future of healthcare. Thoughts on how to prepare for something worse than the first round of COVID? The timing for this marvellous proposal or plan takes off after Jupiter changes signs to Aries, on May 11th 2022. And its more extreme in 2022-2023 though this time its food. Yet, it will take groups to do it, which is why you need to join forces with other mothers who feel the same way. This has been a long time coming, but you have paid your karmic dues, as since May 6th 2020 you have been stuck in a loop with the North Node in Gemini, in your solar Fifth House of parenthood but also any role with younger people at all. If you want to move overseas, you could emigrate by May, with Jupiters luck on your side. A stuck situation with money ends in March 2023 and you can at last act on decisions without being sent backwards and forwards. In fact, if you examine why you are so far apart from others, as the year develops, you will soon see that its about words and the way they are used. This may be a new boyfriend and you both meet in a Tibetan Buddhist meditation class. Your forecast about new digital currencies is interesting, especially the one for providing content online. Read More. I am so grateful if you can reply Jessica. Tina Turner, November 26th This raises all sorts of issues which I will address in a moment. You wont be directly or heavily involved just on the fringes but you will play your part. If you put good things in motion then, they will bear fruit in 2023, 2024. That was repeated in the Seventies (Womens Liberation) and this will be the third powerful triumph. It looks as though the variant the astrology predicted is with us, via reports in India and Australia. That stops in March. Hello Jessica, please May I ask, do you have any further updates in regards to the possible worst phase of Covid happening in March. A memory. Thank you. Rents dropped. Premium Member? In the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, as the South Node in Sagittarius brings back the year 1983, you'll notice something. The Libran child has anxiety and that can be cured. Where are you planted? You are a Sun Gemini who quit and you have a mortgage to pay. This begins in late March. The concentrated focus on the word or the bible will help. By May 2024 youll have had more than once choice and the atmosphere will be completely different to anything you can remember. Capricorn rules retirement as well as full-time work. Finally you have an Aquarius stellium. The situation is there because of a great deal of emotion, and not enough common-sense. Psychic Predictions For Australia In 2019 Please keep reading for more diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot forecast. At some point, Aries, for the first time in 12 years, Jupiter the planet of improvement and expansion will cross your Sun. Thank you, Jessica. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. But it is very important that you spend 2022 making good or settling up as much as you possibly can with that group of people. This also extends to unpaid work or study. Oct 30, 2021. Ive not looked at the New Zealand chart for years so must update the forecasts. This is what you read three years before it happened . In other cases you may be turned off by the idea of a standard curriculum in a college, but be fascinated by short courses, or night classes. Hi Jessica I just found your website.I was happy to found you.I think your great.I born 1948 May 31i been true a lot in my life..I quite my job because jealous staff.and manager.its going to be hard for me cause my you see me selling my house moving or go to another area ..Im going to be able to manage my life..thank you so much. Of course, there may be good reasons why you develop a new style in 2022 and 2023. Needless to say, this Jupiter and Neptune cycle does not last all year. Ukraine will win. 2022 is also about the impact of religion, spirituality or perhaps other philosophies (astrology?) Jupiter works cyclically. Since I have Aries ascendant, do you foresee changes in my love life with the nodes changing and eclipses? If you have time, can you tell me what you think 2023 will be like for me? Get to know XBB Covid and its spin-offs. From March, your Libran child will gain from a strict regular routine of (say) meditation or relaxation, hypnosis and so on. In the Middle Ages, the Ninth House was associated with monasteries as places of learning. Chiron is a symbol of mavericks and outsiders. . Just like to say : Pharmacists (chemists or drugstore staff) and telehealth on Zoom already replaced doctors in Canada. If you can make it all work, then amazing results will follow. He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. Youll move or welcome new arrivals yourself fresh start. Do you see that one as well? Thank you. In total, the Black Death may have reduced the world population from an estimated 475 million to 350375 million in the 14th century. You saw this on my website way back on 20th December 2017, three years before our world changed forever with COVID-19. Spiritual growth is the outcome for you and your opposite number. Another, far more interesting, will be digital payment for you as a social media user. On the other hand, UK/Australian Astrologer Jessica Adams predicted on her website on 13 March 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that Pluto's temporary departure from Capricorn on 24 March 2023 will mark the beginning of the end for the current president as the man in power in Russia. If sex and money spell love to you, thats Scorpio and the Eighth House. On January 10th, the first official death from COVID-19 in China occurred, followed by the 2020 stock market crash, from 20th February to 7th April. I still wear a mask indoors and due to the flu over here in the US, Im still living a very limited lifestyle, having put plans on hold to see family and friends, and the isolation is at its breaking point. Larger than life but also rather big in the frame. Personally, I think this is about trying to avoid a major recession, so profit over peoples health. You cannot possibly read every book or website on the planet, or take every course. Watch March. So are we stuck with coal, petrol and gas in the future and the bushfires, wildfires, floods and animal extinctions? Happy New Year. Best wishes for the new year Jessica. Now its too hot, because so many trees have been cut down forloo paper. hi Jessica You can see why an unhealthy co-dependent relationship can sometimes arrive with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in the Eighth House of money and property (which you have, for most of the year). Thank you & happy new year to you. So I know weve done this before and there will be ways to live safely. Monthly Horoscopes Chart your month by the stars with an exclusive extended forecast . Ill look for the original forecast and add that. Rock band. Neptune itself is a symbol of an escape from reality, and in Pisces, your own sign, it suggests that you will be acting a role, or slipping into a star part especially online.

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