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my boyfriend said he doesn't love me anymore

This is because it means that he doesnt have any interest in what youre up to, and therefore doesnt care about your feelings or thoughts as well. I believe (and you should too) that if you accept the way he is and give him his freedom Its the best way to allow him to understand whats important for him. This is a completely different man, Lisa. Would you want your daughter, sister, or best friend to be in this relationship? 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I have one child from a previous relationship. I have no family here and friends all disappeared a yr into our relationship, theres very few words spoken between us and when it comes to our sex life lately I seem to have lost romance with him, he would spend hours watching adult films and then ask if I wanted to have fun, I always had to be dressed up heels makeup the works in order to meet his sexual needs which is very one sided by the wsy Love Matters Africa on Instagram: "My boyfriend just told me that he Around our 3rd year, life took a drastic turn: he lost his mother, and then shortly after, I became an addict due to so many things which I used as excuses to keep using, and he knew nothing of it for awhile, until I began cheating on him. Make sure before you convince yourself its the end, you've tried to fix the problems effectively, Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, a nationally recognized psychotherapist and author of Training Your Love Intuition, tells Elite Daily. If your boyfriend does one of these things: He may have lost interest in your relationship and tried to do the fade out breakup. He also seems to genuinely care about me. I accpet I overreacted. He started a job 4 hours away and was gone 2 weeks and home 1 week. In this case, the earlier you find out, the better. I cant forgive at all although he claims to b sorry the words sorry cant bring bk the trust. I just want to know if complete time away can resolve this and allow people to start afresh? He asked me what was wrong and I said you dont love me. He seemed really sad that I was upset by this so he just held my face in his hands kissed me and told he changed his mind and he thinks he loves me. Hi, whenever I have a h2h talk with my bf, he seems to be avoiding it or giving me vague and short answers. Hopefully that includes his child. If he is showing you a lack of interest, thats what really happening. If he starts getting annoyed when you want to have a deep conversation with him, or even when you come up with more cute names for him it could be a sign he is losing interest. Me and my fiance have been together for 3 years and at first we were Inseparable we did things together all the time. I think you know deep down the truth. Every day I waited for him to change his mind and come back, until a month later I told him I cant do this anymore and broke up with him. The next month was really stressful, he was moving house, we were saving to go on holiday in December and work for both of us piled up and I guess communication faltered. We are still talking with each other right now, just to keep the love alive. It never feels normal if he does touch me now because its been 7 month. What is he doing, why did he fall out of love with you, where is he now, who is he spending time with? Its hard to understand and remember, but we all want to feel free. he never treats me well , we have never had romantic talks even when were having sex . From little plans like going out tomorrow to big plans like moving in together someday, or having 2.4 children. If your guy gradually or suddenly stops replying to your texts and calls as he used to it may mean that he is losing interest. I think this is probably not the best time to bring up marriage. but much more sex than normal but it was amazing and our connection was better as a couple , ( but we were separated ) .. its much more that happened after that good and bad but too much to type , i typed enough already lol . He was once my boy best friend for about 1 year then he started catching feelings for me. I hope this helps and all the best to you. Sometimes people just cant handle their feelings and they run away. What can I do if anything? For the rest of the week he had apologized for breaking my heart and was putting effort into the relationship. I recently just dreamt that he cheated on me. I dont know if theyre female or not and I do worry sometimes. Nothing happened- he's just grown detached because of long distance. Email address When we fight we talk about breaking up in the heat of it, but you can tell he doesnt want to do, or be the one to do it anyway. If you are sure this is the case, you can let it slide and talk to your partner once the air is clear. I saw him flirting with a few girls on his phone and said something. However after that, he spent most of his time playing games with his friends. This can indicate that he no longer sees you as someone important enough to celebrate significant milestones in his life. He always would say he doesnt want a relationship but nothing changed. Signs He Doesn't Want a Relationship With You. Because of his money problems Ive been paying for things myself and trying to be more helpful but then he says he doesnt need my help. (Not that I expect him to, but its just kind of out of the ordinary.) If this happens, its because your boyfriend no longer respects you or trusts your decisions. Other people can help you deal with your everyday life, but only you can ease your loneliness and pain. Now I dont have all the facts, but I advise you to exercise caution when making compromises. Whatever the reason may be, at least now you know whats wrong so you can try to fix it! He said he doesnt have fun like we used too, and hes so stressed out about what hes doing in his life and he doesnt want one of us holding eachother back. None of this should be taken personally by you. In this situation I would do what I would do as if I was separated, and this usually means to leave him alone. I refused to take the hints. I know its really hard to accept, but he obviously doesnt want to be with you right now. Please help me, I dont know how to fix this.. Im sorry about this, I can really relate as it happened to me in the past as well. Please tell me what this means and if he still has feelings for me. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon. Try talking to him about how his behavior makes you feel and see if things change at all. How can i know for sure this programme will work? And whenever we get into really big fights we always say that were done and whatever but he never actually leaves. Just when I thought we were done for good. I dont know if they are honest mistakes or red flags that he doesnt care how I feel. Being in love doesnt mean all the going out and whatever. The more you chase him the more hell run away. I just want him to put in the same effort as he did when we first got together; he avoids texting, he rarely calls and we see each other once a week sometimes once every two weeks. We have one son, 21 years of age. I moved everything while he was working. At some point in the near future hell confide in you. So me and my botfriend have been together for 3 years.. have a house a car and two dogs together!! Ive tried not nagging and it still didnt work. I invited him to move in with me where I was going to school, states away. The 9 Biggest Signs He Doesn't Want To Be With You Anymore (And Might I dont know what to do. He has no more time talking and shuts me out. He wants to feel independent and free and so do you, whether you know it or not. Lisa, please help me. At one point I tried to befriend her but with little luck. He wants to give me love but doesnt know how. But, this has been going on for 2 entire years and I want to find out whats really going on first. I think the best cure for this is to give him some space, lowering expectations (in regards to him helping you out with your issues) and generally remove any kind of pressure off him. I was hurt because I felt like he was choosing her over me. I can honestly say that before i met him the thought of marriage kids and living with a male made me feel sick and i never wanted any of that! I think that he just likes to flirt. Are we doomed? Amanda, Should I move on I mean hes been able to call his friends and his mother but not me?? All of our furniture has been mutually purchased, the works. He keeps telling me he is sorry and that it was hard for him to end things and he was hurting. He has admitted that, and said he can be very horrible to me. How To Stop Chasing Him When It's Clear He Doesn't Want You | David This may be due to the fact that he doesnt pay enough attention to what you are feeling or if he has lost interest in spending time with you. You may want to find a new place for one. But anyways my point is that I want more and he doesnt, sometimes it just seems like Im more of a friend and thats it We kiss and hold hands and his parents love me and my mom loves him, if anyone was to look at us, it would look like we were already dating, but we arent He doesnt want anyone else and neither do I So why cant we be with each other At first it was me stopping it, I said I didnt want to date an alcoholic because I didnt want him to quit drinking just because of me, I want him to quit because he wants to quit So is there just no future for us Or what? Dayle | The Literary Llama on Instagram: "ME: Oh look! A surprise Writing is especially healing because it forces you to slow down, examine your thoughts, and face your feelings more deeply. As for him telling stuff to someone else why do you care? But you knowIm so confused, because as I said, our relationship has been beautiful. Hes actually brutally honest. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle Read more in their lives too. We would talk about marriage before and now he HATES when I even ask about it. Im getting to the point where some days, I dont care if he contacts me or comes by, and its bc of him pushing me away. Am I just freaking out for no reason? Your instinct may be to move closer and try to win him back, but you will lose yourself in the process. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that your personal needs are being met. But I refused to accept it. When we are angry at someone, or frustrated, this feelings hide our real feelings (of love). Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years, we broke up before because I messed up with someone else but that was back in high school like 2 years ago. So I did. It could be for any reason. Heres how to face the pain and start healing. You are both depressed (he is depressed too if he is an alcoholic), and developed a need for each other to feel better. Hes working full time, in school, and has been dealing with people in his life who arent there for him like hes there for them. Talk to him face to face and try to work things out. The past does NOT have any power on the present or the future. His dad loved to argue and needed to fight everyday either with me or with his wife, most preferable me. He hasnt said loved me for days. He said Im his first gf and hes not sure what hes feeling. Hes only felt a spark with me and one of he relationship for a while ago, but in every relationship he hits a wall and cant connect like the other person is. The most obvious explanation may also be the hardest one to hear: Your partner isn't saying, "I love you," because they don't love you not yet, anyway. We have stayed connected and talk and text each other everyday. But its a different story when you get trapped in. You do not accpet it. Your boyfriends decision, no matter how painful it is, is not about you. Try to focus on you instead of him, be too busy to see him too, show him that youre not afraid and that you have a life other than with him. This could be because of one or more specific events that changed how he feels about her. Many different things can go wrong when it comes to relationships, and sometimes things can seem unclear. I just want my sweet affection man back Im not sure where hes gone. Read What to Remember When You Feel Like No One Cares. More importantly, pay attention to how you think and feel. Since you obviously cant except him being with someone else, theres not much else to do. The more pressure you put on him, the more he will back away. Also, among the top signs he doesnt love you anymore is that he no longer makes sacrifices or compromises to make the relationship stronger and better, Compromise is critical in relationships, so if he doesnt try anymore, this could mean he doesnt love, He forgets the most significant dates you used to celebrate together, like your birthday and anniversary. hi Im Lexi Im actually at a point in the relationship where I want to have a serious talk about marriage and starting a family and this has been occupying my thoughts a bit where Ive been thinking is the timing bad, how do I bring it up, what if he doesnt want to talk about it, what if Ive spent 3 years with him and he doesnt want these things? We attract the person that reflects what we think about our self. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 9 months. Does your partner willingly meet your needs and respect your wishes? and start learning what to do when he no longer loves you. Im sorry youre going through this. Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. We argue almost twice a week. He Doesn't Talk to You Like He Used to What to Do If He Doesn't Love You 7 Signs Your Boyfriend Doesn't Love You 1. This can get in the way of true emotional intimacyand feel. His only day off is Sunday how can I make this relationship work, if he sometimes wants to be at home with his family? Told me she was gay and that she had a girlfriend. well yea Ive overdone my part in that its not enough plz help email me, My boyfriend claims to be busy eith his work. It was clear that he holds no place for us in his future. And you wont be angry, or disappointed. Say to yourself, I am lovable, Wish says. 17 Brutally Honest Signs He Doesn't Love You Anymore Should i ask for him back for the sake of our child and my feelings or should i let him wild it up in the single life he seems so happy with. There are many reasons why a man would stop saying I love you to his girlfriend. And I hope you can guide me on how to deal with the situation Im in. I guess my question is. It is never okay to just accept the bare minimum from someone; it's called settling, relationship expert and author Alexis Nicole White previously told Elite Daily. It is not healthy to make your world revolve around him. This will give him a chance to re-value you. I really try for open communication even if its tough but I dont know what has gotten into him. By simply learning how the male mind works, and why they can leave the perfect girl (you!) Thanks! I hope this helps, and if you can implement this, I think youll see the results. After the wedding I was going to spend more time with him and go back to his familys home. No one likes to be told what to do. He wants to change you. There are many reasons why this might happen: maybe he met someone new at work who has caught his interest; maybe he still loves you but cant handle the distance; or maybe there was an incident which caused him to become distant and withdrawn (such as infidelity). It hard to believe he is going to leave me if his actions shows different what do you think, I think that when you ask for money from another guy it hurts his ego. He says he loves me I just dont understand how he could if he says hurtful things on purpose. Everyone knows that when youre in love, its expected to say I love you all the time. Perhaps we needed a break from each other. If he already has other plans, he's not going to change them for you, so you probably shouldn't even bother asking. At the same time, it's painful to have stillnesses in a relationship that leave you feeling lost or doubting its future. The Importance of Communication in Relationships. Wow, thats upsetting. If your partner is emotionally immature, take the lead, step back, and only talk to your partner once the air clears and he seems calmer. Not easy, but possible. I know its hard, but for a real chance you have to let him go. In the worst-case scenario, another woman has already gotten on his radar and thats why he is being secretive. Any ideas on whats going on am I going insane. But I can sense that he already knows it, but dont want to break my heart. I hope this helps, its just my 2 cents. and that he doesnt want us to break up, but we almost never talk anymore except when I tell him to call. I think you made the right move by insisting on some time apart, even after he asked to see you and said he was sorry. He is enthusiastic about the relationship and wants you to know how he feels about you. Talk to a friend or a family member. Im not sure if this is related to the topic of men falling out of love, but you seem to give good advice. Compromise is about understanding each other and meeting halfway. They will let the anger or whatever the child is feeling subside before talking to them. We used to be so happy and have so much fun.. then I started becoming really insecure and accuse him, and overthink about things. I do love and care about him. And you call it betrayal. He has reached out to me multiple times today and we have talked about what had happen. I just dont no what to do anymore I feel stuck. Also, the same person does not know who he is. He never invited me to come, but I came to live there anyway. This could mean hes no longer interested in where you are or how youre doing. And if his compliments have turned into criticism instead of praise recentlyor even worse, if they were never there in the first placeyou should probably start worrying about whats going on with him. If you love the person and think the relationship is worth another try, you must first convince your partner that you both go through therapy. When we feel this, most of us make the worst mistake Which is to try either talking about it or clinging harder and harder from fear of losing the relationship. Weve never had this much space from eachother and it feels good. Until last week I went back to my hometown to visit my family for a day or two.. Try to get to know yourself better & love yourself again After pouring love towards someone for so long, you might have forgotten to focus on yourself. We went out for beers two or three times when he said he loved me, but this was only a few days apart not a few months. 5 months into the relationship he began to pull away. Youre only 28. Pretty much every day. The way you describe him making you feel indicates an abusive dynamic. He has told me he is feeling depressed and low due to money and work and thats why hes angry and stressed all the time. Little things annoy him, including your flaws, that he begins to point out. Hes never been unfaithful, or a liar. It depends on too many things. My boyfriend said he doesnt know if he still loves me. Im a relatively calm person, but that day, I went into the very first panic attack Ive ever had.

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my boyfriend said he doesn't love me anymore

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