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why do celebrities dress like slobs

Now that it's warming up, it's easy to spot the idiots who are part of the "slob culture". He looked like a geek! What to wear to work: Why do young people dress like slobs? - Mamamia I find it off putting and want to tell these Hollywood and U.K. guys to spruce up and look like a successfully civilized person, not a digital age Neanderthal Man. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. I do not in any way claim the rights of ownership to any of them. It's laziness and stupidity not money issue. When people were invited onstage at a recent performance of Penn & Teller on Broadway, many women looked as if they had stepped out of a jazzercise class, while men ambled around in hideous cargo shorts. Yes, we're inundated with those "below the knee shorts and untucked T-shirts." People seem to enjoy looking like bums. Also, I've never understood the appeal of bulky hooded sweatshirts, particularly on women. Wow! Anybody who wears sneakers with a tuxedo and is seen by millions of people ought to be laughed off the stage for being an ass. Not many slobs, are there? I wonder if the slobbiness could be a cause of a societal lack of confidence, or, the other way around, if a societal lack of confidence could be the cause of slobby appearance? Whatever happened to company dress codes? The one store "associate" who was there never greeted me, and looked at me as though I was in her way, while she was more interested in pretending that she had to tidy up. People appear in public looking terrible and don't have much pride in their appearances anymore. It doesnt mean you have to be wealthy or thin. They're like spying on your next-door neighbor. As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. Ot these stupid punks that sag their britches and display underwear? Public slobbiness started earlier than you noted. Big bellies flowed over the . Annie -- I think it's a combination of several reasons: laziness, lack of pride, lack of common sense, the spilling over of casual Friday (which I never had a problem with) into places where one shouldn't be so casual. No one seems interested in it anymore. It gets so old, and it's just another reason why my opinion of society is beginning to drop.Im all for individuality and self-expression, and Im not suggesting that everyone needs to dress to impress when they leave the house. Showing up on time, looking nice, and sitting in the front attentive and off your phone ought to go a long way!Lastly, let's talk about body shapes. It has really become pervasive, and I won't go back to eat at a restaurant that operates this way. Ive noticed that many people do not have seasonal or situational appropriate clothing and they just look bad. And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? There was a young couple with a young child that i encountered in the elevator. Then again, the rationale is: why should one much bother to wear a suit when most people will show up to the party looking like schlubs? Its all about money, many do not have the means, i get it, ive been poor too, but i never looked like a mentally ill hobo. "planned". It is such complete bullshit to try to blame the way that people dress on a lack of money. Go Retro is about celebrating the retro, and that means appreciating what people used to look like before these over the top trends took hold. Or darkly, is the past never to repeat, stagnating or spiraling down? Stars like Jonah Hill, Shia LaBeouf, Post Malone, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber dress like dorm-room slackers, supercharged with AmEx black cards. Fine. It lacks style and substance; it is likely priced at ten times more than what it cost to make; and is generally indicative of a society of consumners that is hard-up financially. I should qualify my comment by stating that my work environment, while assigned a "suit-position", requires that I wear clothes more conducive to getting dirty, i.e., t-shirt, jeans and work shoes; my uniform of the day which is always clean and well fitting at least at the start of the day. Justin Bieber in all of his tattooed, T-shirted and untamed hair glory earlier this month . I immediately asked the waitress to remove it from my table when we were being seated. But yet people get offended if you voice your opinion about this. It is actually commendable for someone of your age and generation to be tattoo-free. (I hate Picasso, for example.) 59 people were murdered in Las Vegas fairly recently by another deranged white male with no motive other than hatred. I love watching movies from the 30s to the 50s, wherein the majority were dressed to the nines and would never have even gone to bed, much less into public, looking remotely like the Wal-Martians of our time, unless they wanted to be sent to happy acres for degenerate behavior. 15 Celebs Who Are Such Slobs, Not Even A Cleaning Crew Can Help Them I don't understand why people make excuses to not dress nicely. Maybe they feel emasculated by a gender-blurred society and have retreated to cave man esthetics. The Canadians apparently take more pride in their appearance than we do. The examples go on and on, but it is coming to the point where interactions with other people, even as a customer, are lowering to a nadir. America definitely needs a renaissance not just in fashion but in general. ). How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? - AEI Then you use your finger to sign the screen! Having said that, I mean no copyright infringement by the posting of pictures, videos, etc. But high culture isnt the only victim. China would probably invade us if we cut them off and started manufacturing real clothing of our own again, like we once did. Appearance is the first thing we all notice, and many people still do use that when making judgments about each other. We went to a concert at the Beacon (unbelievably ornate) and most of the women, no makeup, bare legs, tattoos, ugly clothes, appalling! Dress for Failure: Americans Look Like Slobs - The Feehery Theory Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? I can say with the strongest of confidence that Americans, both men and women, dress like absolute dog shit. I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy. It's sad -- seems like there's a plan for these businesses to separate us from other humans and save some money in the process. How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? | SHARPER IRON Its very obviousThey look pleasant and situationally appropriate. *laugh*, Do you remember the effort put out in buying an Easter outfit? Going to the grocery store especially when I'm inundated with foul dress. I would say that, since, clothing is so comparatively cheap nowadays, it is no longer a reliable social marker,so nobody cares anymore. He's the only one in our office wearng a shirt & tie now, it's obvious who's boss. I've talked about this before but it's just getting worse as the year goes on. Hi Shady - Thank you for your comments and you raise a good point that I failed to mention; I feel more confident when I'm pulled together. All you could find was dotted bras, leopard patterns and colors like orange and green an purple, but notam something as classic as ordinary white. I really long for a return to the days when men looked somewhat respectable even when wearing what was once considered to be casual clothing. I'm beginning to really think that the younger generation of Americans is absolutely clueless about how to dress either decently or appropriately! or just about anything. They would judge you because you are not a mindless sheep buying the latest leggings at Victoria's secret or not dressing like a hipster. I guess that this is supposed to be cute, to live in a so-called "culture" wherein manners and educated speech are for the dogs, and having an intellectual disposition is considered strange. It is a question of class. It's spring time again, and now the slobs are out en masse wearing ugly shorts, displaying their ugly, dumpy bodies and trashy tattoos. They even go so far as to consider formal clothing stiff and boring. Yet, I trust that Pam is continuing to keep up appearances, and hasn't succumbed to the low mindset of looking like them? Even then there were much better choices and styles in menswear and home furnishings, etc. Quite a different time today unfortunately and nothing at all like the good old days were. I hope sometimes that I DO make people feel uncomfortable for being under-dressed. Look at what's being sold in the stores, and there's your answer. As John Wayne said, "Life is hard enough but it's even harder when you're stupid." Am I shopping at the grocery store or in the hood? Very neat and put together. I saw no fewer than four men who were seated at tables or booths with grungy ballcaps firmly on their heads. My men and even the men of the Royal Marines had everything from gas piston to bolt assembly immaculate and lightly oiled within 15 minutes. I get "dressed up" to go out. It was Molloy who first popularized the notion of the "power tie", which for me in college was a bright red one. Some conservative commentators and celebrities began calling for a boycott of Bud Light after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer, Dylan . The whole bare legged crap with tattoos, scars, birth marks razor cuts, and my ever favorite, that spray on orange crap they use running down their legs! Society has no problem with it or they are too afraid to criticize, so there's absolutely no shame in showing up anywhere looking like a witch now.People don't even bother to comb their hair anymore.All of us have become work beasts who come home only to eat and look at our phones and TV and sleep. I can't believe that this is where being a diner in a service restaurant has come to. ), I have seen too many men dressed inappropriately in fine restaurants and other venues that call for some professionalism: baseball caps (a huge no-no when worn indoors, guys--remember that scene from. The baffling popularity of reality TV shows like. For the record, I was born in the 1950s. Consider a recent story in the news about Mitchell Casado--a. working for uFly--who was fired for not dressing professionally enough. Being 18, I'm part of the uncaring generation and I have to admit that for years I've been a slob. Post Comments People have cast off classical beauty and age old esthetics for what they think is the new thing, when it really is the old abnormal. There isn't much if any emphasis on style these days. Loving the comments. no just NO. When did American youth culture stop being cool and interesting? At lunchtime you'd walk into the local Macy's mens dept, say "no thanks" to the cologne lady who wanted to spritz you & join the 100 other guys at table after table of dress shirts and neckties. I have a challenge for people who read this. As Grant Williamson, 25, a Knoxville, Tenn. law student and admirer of these stars style admitted, Its kind of sloppy., Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The guys were better but not by much, dress shirts, clean dress pants/kakis. I will add it is related to class to some degree. You can blame the bloated, greedy corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon for contributing to a culture of mass exploitation, and mass production all for the obese masses to consume without thought. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. The people don't try to look their best because they live inside a marxist fever dream where everyone is their best buddy and everyone is so very equal. Give me a break. He must know where he's going. Ye Gods! It's one thing if you have ONE tattoo that is well done and has personal meaning to you; it's another when someone has an entire body part or their body inked over, often with various random designs that don't relate to one another. My first job out of high school was in a home improvements store, and in 1980 they werent permitted even there! My theory about the dress culture getting out of hand is due to the influence of music culture. Everything looks like rags now, cheaply made with the least amount of fabric and no linings. They have two children with them. You are exactly right. George W. Bush later made blue the power tie of choice. When I still worked as an engineer and an I.T. Why has it become fashionable to actually want to look like a bum even when you've got plenty of moola to your name? Partly this has to do with the visual erasure of style barriers. "My supervisor told me, 'Always dress up for Linda's class,. It is also reflective of a society that imitiates anything it sees its "celebrities" doing (on TV of course!). Adobe Stock. Zero class. Hi Anonymous, welcome and thank you for your comments! Maybe don't spend $5 on starbucks and $15 on a pack of cigarettes and instead go to Target or Kohls and look through the clearance racks and I bet you anything they could find something affordable. Better yet, look at photos of bands like the Who, moody blues, the small faces, and the Beatles in the mid 60s during the height of the mod movement. They have already been forgotten and more mass shootings will inevitably follow. It is hard to look put together if your hair looks like that in the first place.Hair has been made a political issue, so you can't easily bring a neat hair policy anymore. Why do so many men dress like slobs? (fashion, washed, look) - Fashion P.S. Like someone commented above, its sad that you would be looked at funny for wearing a suit with a fedora because you like to look nice. Also, you can't go wrong with Macy's -- I get coupons from them all of the time that are often good on top of sale prices. In a society like ours where half of the people are either overweight or obese, it doesn't help for the fashion magazines to portray unrealistically thin models wearing the latest spaghetti thin garments. Women need to start wearing appropriate clothing as well. Most are males wearing ties and coats. I have actually been mistaken on numerous occasions by other shoppers as an employee because I was dressed halfway decently. I'm pretty sure that the wait staff probably doesn't like the idea of shortcutting the traditional process, because it could lose them tip money, which is what they are really relying on, since they don't get a high hourly wage. Part of looking like you care about yourself,is taking care of both how you dress AND how you take care of the only body you have.

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why do celebrities dress like slobs

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